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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

If you are like me, then the come down after Christmas and or the winter break is kind of rough. Once I was done with all my holiday celebrations, my boyfriend and I came back home to our apartment and wanted all traces of Christmas décor GONE. I wanted to start the transition ASAP so it would be as least difficult as possible. I took a winter class (again) this semester, so I never really left school mode; I was still on break. As spring semester starts, here are my tips and tricks on how to ease into the transition from the break/the holidays and into a new school schedule. Enjoy & good luck friends!

Lets get into these 5 tips baby!!!

Tip #1: Go School Shopping!

Like everything in life, it usually costs money. However, going out and getting what you need for school that year or semester can be really therapeutic and fun. I made a list of each of my classes and what I need for each, and then I make a list of what I need or want generally for the whole semester. I find that getting all of your ducks in a row before classes start is very calming. When you are organized and have everything you need in the aesthetic you want it’s easier to start on that first day. Plus, it’s kind of a tradition to get “hype” for school shopping and get a bunch of weird but strangely useful stuff to shove into a backpack. Also, it doesn’t just have to be school supplies, it can be clothes, shoes, accessories, and anything else you want/need for school. What are you waiting for- grab a cart and get to spending $$$.


Tip #2: Take Yourself on a date!

I did this very recently when my boyfriend was at work and I had absolutely NOTHING to do. I realized that it would be better to get out of the house and do something fun on my day off before it was taken over by classes and parking spots ,and coffee and notes and projects and homework and. . . well you get it. I took myself out to lunch, which was surprisingly liberating and fun, and then went to Park City Mall. Now personally I don’t really love the mall since I’m not a big shopper, and I do not love crowds – BUT, they have a place called “Color Me Mine” and I painted pottery there for 2 hours. It was so relaxing and fun and something I’ll get to keep forever. I made a plate and this adorable little apple I’ll get to keep on my desk as a teacher. Now, on your self-date you can go anywhere, do anything, and be anyone you want to [you also don’t really have to be alone, but it hits different]. This is a great way to have some fun and explore something new. It even gets you out of the house before school begins!

UPDATE: I wrote the above part of this article a few weeks ago to be ready for the start of school and since then I have made another small apple (for a teacher friend of mine), a coaster set, a ring holder, and a little decorative pot with a lid, (I am addicted to the pottery place to say the very least).

Tip #3: Lock down your routine!

I find it much easier to transition into a new school schedule when I have it memorized, and have a general game plan for getting enough sleep, eating meals, and carving out personal time. Having a general idea of a routine will help ease stress and make you feel better prepared. It will also give you a schedule to stick to and make you feel secure that you have enough time in your day to do what you need to do. This helps me plan my weeks, plan for meal prep, and honestly, helps me make sure I can shower, take care of my skin, take medications on time, and even just read a book.


Tip #4: Wash your clothes!

Okay this is going to sound strange but after the holidays, I had literal BAGS of stuff that needed to be washed that just sit on my floor for days. However, before the school semester starts it’s so important, and honestly so nice, to have fresh, clean clothes to wear and show off. This may seem like a really obvious or simple tip, but nothing is worse than waking up the first day and remembering you have NOTHING to wear because it’s in a pile on the floor.

P.S. My clothes are 100% still on said floor, but let’s just pretend for now. ;)

tip #5: Hang out [& reconnect] with your friends!

This is my favorite one. Depending on your living situation, you may not have seen your best friends in a couple of weeks during the break. It is important to hang out, have fun, and maybe even reconnect with your friends & friend group before starting the year back up. I think this is a great way to relax and have some good times before getting into the craziness of classes. This will also help you lock down your routine, Tip 3, because you can compare schedules, work routines, and figure out your game plan to get enough social time during the semester. Plus, seeing the people you love most is just the boost everyone needs to get back into the swing of the semester and dive into the new classes ahead. For real, everyone needs a “bestie” hug, or a movie night, or a group dinner date before the work begins!


The transition into the new semester can be hard and sometimes you may even be dreading it. But we all have to remember that we are working toward a larger goal, and that new classes bring new knowledge. Getting yourself ready, organized, relaxed, and even pumped up for the new semester is really important to your health and happiness. With these five tips and anything else you know to work for you, I think we will all be in a better position to start anew. No matter what age you are or where you are receiving education from, we all need a little boost of energy and self-love in order to do/feel our best. So, get out there, buy some weird notebooks, get some stickers for your laptop, turn on your washing machine, actually look at your class schedule, PLEASE BUY YOUR TEXTBOOKS, and say hey to your “besties”!!! Take a breath & have a great semester y’all. <3

Until Next Time!


Maddie Rose

Maddie Engleman

Millersville '24

Hello! I'm Maddie Engleman; A bit about me: I am a super senior at Millersville University this year, graduating spring '24. This fall is my 7th semester writing for HC which is so cool! I am an Early Childhood Education major and am minoring in General English. I absolutely love kids, writing, reading, cooking/baking, and crafting with my Cricut. I also enjoy spending time around animals! I love being a part of such an empowering platform and get to write pieces that impact people anywhere. HCXO ~ Maddie "Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic." - Albus Dumbledore (J.K. Rowling)