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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Did you know that November is Diabetes Awareness Month? November 14th specifically is World Diabetes Day. Type One Diabetes (T1D) is a disease in which a person’s pancreas stops working completely, producing little to no insulin, due to the nonexistent production of insulin which any person needs to live a diabetic must inject themselves with insulin whether that’s through a pen, pump, or needle. T1D affects an immense amount of people. According to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation “Some 1.45 million Americans are living with T1D”. Many people know, if not know of, someone with type one diabetes.

Over the years, insulin prices have been on the rise and continue to grow which could be a concern for type 1 diabetics. Diabetes.org states “On average people with diagnosed diabetes have medical expenditures approximately 2.3 times higher than what expenditures would be in the absence of diabetes”. To combat this continuous cycle of diabetics suffering without insulin it’s important to support them by donating to organizations like Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) or even advocating on social media the need for companies to lower insulin costs.

JDRF is a nonprofit organization that works in advocating for type one diabetes researching for a cure. JDRF organizes various fundraising opportunities to try to raise awareness, money, and support for type one diabetics. JDRF hosts bigger events like their “One Walk” events in which people can sign up with a team, walk around their community, and show their support for type one diabetics. https://www.jdrf.org/ states “$22,762,409 has been raised with 65,256 miles walked”. Walking is great exercise and the fact that it benefits such a great cause while doing it is even better. I had the privilege of participating in a One Walk event for someone in my family and it was an AMAZING experience that I would definitely participate in again.

Type One Diabetes is a disease that effects a lot of people and it is important to support them. Diabetes is something that does require a lot of attention but in no way is it limiting to people. Diabetics are truly superheroes that can do anything.

HCXO, Alyssa


“The Cost of Diabetes.” The Cost of Diabetes | ADA, https://diabetes.org/about-us/statistics/cost-diabetes#:~:text=People%20with%20diagnosed%20diabetes%20incur,in%20the%20absence%20of%20diabetes.

“Home.” JDRF, https://www.jdrf.org/.

“Join JDRF One Walk and Help Create a World without Type 1 Diabetes (T1D).” JDRF One Walk, https://www2.jdrf.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=walk_homepage&_gl=1%2A1bvokz9%2A_gcl_aw%2AR0NMLjE2NjgyMTkwMjYuQ2owS0NRaUFncmliQmhEa0FSSXNBQVNBNWJzOTc0aEdJVC1td2o3RlE0a2RaTXVtZ1dZdkVEOFM2bWx5ZVNJcU9pMzJTYlVXWk42ZXJFd2FBbWxsRUFMd193Y0I.&_ga=2.31883771.474208026.1668214527-489251452.1667091481&_gac=1.19807946.1668219027.Cj0KCQiAgribBhDkARIsAASA5bs974hGIT-mwj7FQ4kdZMumgWYvED8S6mlyeSIqOi32SbUWZN6erEwaAmllEALw_wcB.

Alyssa Corropolese

Millersville '24

Hi! My name is Alyssa Corropolese and I am a senior. I'm an English major and in my free time I enjoy reading, writing, watching sports, working out and listening to music. I also enjoy learning new things and going on adventures with my friends and family.