Note: The author of this article has included links for spoilers of different books. Please be advised that this is at the reader’s discretion, if they so wish to proceed on any of the links below.
I’ve decided that if heaven is a place on Earth, then it’s Barnes and Noble.
One of my favorite things to do is curl up with a warm Chai Tea Latte and a good book, (bonus points if it’s a rainy day and there’s a puppy by my side). Over winter break, I was a lean-mean-reading-machine. It felt like I was reading a book a day, and my TBR (to be read) was dwindling quickly. In my mind, that meant it was time to go spend the big bucks at Barnes and Noble.
While my list dwindled quickly, it seemed to grow just as fast, and this time, there was no Winter Break. There was school. Now, there are textbooks upon textbooks, articles upon articles, and suddenly my TBR has remained the same as it was in early January. With Spring Break right around the corner, I figured it was time to revisit this TBR, so these are the next five books that I am planning to read.
Disclaimer: I’m a romance reader. Sue me.
- After I Do by Taylor jenkins reid
I may be the biggest Taylor Jenkins Reid fan to ever exist. That’s why I am so excited to read this book. From One True Loves to The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (both of which I finished in one day), Reid has the ability to draw readers in, break their heart a little, and then have them begging for more. If you are looking for an untraditional love story, pick up a Taylor Jenkins Reid novel. You won’t be disappointed.
Synopsis of After I Do:
- Archer’s Voice by Mia Sheridan
I will be the first to admit that I am a sucker for a good BookTok book, and this one has been on my feed for months. Last month, I read my first Mia Sheridan book, More Than Words, and I could not stop talking about it for weeks. I’m pretty sure everyone and their mother was probably sick of what I had to say, but Sheridan is just able to transport readers to another world. I felt like I was right there in the story; like a little fly on the wall. Personally, I hope Archer’s Voice has the same impact on me, but I am sure everyone else is probably hoping I keep my thoughts to myself a little more this time around.
Synopsis of Archer’s Voice:
- Daisy Jones and the six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Shocker! Another TJR book! If we’re being honest, this book has been sitting on my shelf for months (I’m sorry TJR, I promise I love you), but the announcement that the show based on this book is coming out this week has really inspired me to pick it up. This will probably be my next read, and I am especially excited to compare the book to the show. TJR, don’t let me down.
Synopsis of Daisy Jones and the Six:
- Funny You should ask by Elissa sussman
Elissa Sussman is a new author for me, and I must admit, the reason I picked up this book was because of the pink cover with a puppy on the front. You can imagine then that I was pleasantly surprised to find that this book is unique. Sussman provides readers with an untraditional romance and a different reading format. This novel seems to be about a second chance romance, and I am intrigued to see how Gabe and Chani’s love story will unfold. Please say a prayer that it’s a happily ever after.
Synopsis for Funny You Should Ask:
- The Things We Never Got Over by lucy score
One thing about me is that I am terrified of big books (and by big, I mean over 350 pages). That is why this book has been sitting on my shelf for as long as Daisy Jones and the Six has. However, BookTok strikes again. My feed has informed me that Lucy Score just released a sequel to this book, and now, I am just simply forced to read this big book. This will be a summer read for me, and something tells me that I’ll be picking up the sequel quite soon after I finish this sucker. Maybe this will be the book to cure my “big book phobia” once and for all.
Synopsis for The Things We Never Got Over:
Well folks, there is certainly more where that came from, but you’ll find me reading these five books sometime in the near future. This is your sign to pick up a good book the next time you’re bored. Escape from the craziness that is the real world. You may find your one in a million author, or you may simply find some peace.
Lydia <3