Valentine’s Day is sneaking up on us way too quickly. Cuffing season has passed and here we are, as single as ever. February 14th brings out a lot of emotions in us single ladies, so if you’re spending the holiday alone, here are some things you’re sure to relate to.
People have already been asking you what your Valentine’s Day plans are, as if they don’t already know.
Which results in that one moment of panic when you think about how you’re probably going to be alone forever and there’s definitely a reason that you’re spending Valentine’s Day single.
But what are you talking about? Snap out of it. You’re FIERCE, and someone would be lucky to date you.
V-Day brings out very conflicted feelings. You kinda wish you were out to dinner with all of the other happy couples, but you also kinda rather vomit.
But hey, you don’t have to share that jumbo heart-shaped box of chocolates with anyone.
Also, do you realize how much money you’re saving by not having to buy your significant other expensive gifts?
Honestly who needs those fancy dinner reservations anyway when you and your other single friends have junk food, a box of wine and Magic Mike XXL on DVD?
Let’s just admit it. Being single is pretty great. Valentine’s day is pretty great. And being single on Valentine’s Day? No biggie.