Millions of hearts around the world broke when Zayn Malik, beloved member of One Direction, left the band. After his single with Nasty Boy was released, people were livid. Basically, we’ve all been on an emotional roller coaster for weeks now. If you have felt personally traumatized by the fact that One Direction is now going in a different direction, here are 17 emotions you felt when Zayn left as told by 1D GIFs.
1. Shock that something this terrible could happen to your favorite band
2. Denial that your worst nightmares were coming true.
3. Anger toward Zayn for ruining everything that was right with the world.
4. Unbearable sadness when reality set in that he really did leave.
5. Crying when you read the press release.
6. Yelling at people who didn’t think your sadness was warranted.
7. Getting pissed at the naysayers who thought the remaining four were going to break up.
8. Listening to their songs on repeat and sobbing whenever there was a Zayn solo.
9. Screaming in anger when Zayn’s single was leaked.
10. And then proceeding to get really shady about it.
11. Smirking when you saw Louis’ sass on Twitter in response to the song.
12. Freaking out when you read Niall’s tweet about a fifth album.
13. Eating your feelings when you realized that they will never have the same sound.
14. Remembering that the rest of their 2015 tour will forever have a missing piece.
15. Feeling like your whole heart had a missing piece that only Zayn could fill.
16. Realizing that there really was nothing you could do to stop his decision.
17. Knowing that Zayn will always hold a place in your heart, and you will never stop supporting your favorite boys.
Let’s be honest, though — we’re still not over it.