You know those freeĀ back rubs on campus you’re always hearing about? Well, you haveĀ April Anderson, head of Mizzou Stressbusters,Ā to thank. First-semesterĀ graduateĀ student in health education and promotion, AndersonĀ puts on all of the events for Mizzou Stressbusters (which areĀ free to MU students!).
Her Campus Mizzou:Ā What is your role as the head of Mizzou Stressbusters?
April Anderson:Ā My role as a graduate assistant is to oversee the Stressbusters volunteers and the events Stressbusters put on.Ā
HCM:Ā What made you become soĀ involved with Stressbusters at Mizzou? Had you had any prior experience in this area before coming to Mizzou?
AA:Ā I was drawn to Stressbusters because the organization is all about wanting to reduce stress on campus.
HCM:Ā Are you involved in any other clubs here at Mizzou?
AA:Ā I am not involved in any other clubs at the moment.
HCM:Ā How has being a part of Stressbusters helped you and what have you learned from being a part of this group?
AA:Ā Not only getting a back rub reduces stress but giving a back rub helps reduce stress.
HCM:Ā What types of services does Stressbusters offer?Ā (Where, what time?)
AA:Ā Stressbusters provides back rubs to students on campus. We provide two events on Take 5 Tuesdays on Tuesdays and Wind Down Wednesdays on Wednesdays from 1-2 p.m. in the St. Louis and Kansas City rooms in the Student Center. Students can come and go anytime throughout the event. We also get requests from student organizations and clubs on campus to come in and give back rubs.
HCM:Ā If you could offer one piece of “stressĀ relief” advice to our readers, what would it be?Ā
AA:Ā Take time out of the day and do something you enjoy even if it is for five minutes.