Meet this week’s campus cutie, Kevin Kafoury! He’s a witty junior from Chesterfield, Missouri who doesn’t like to take himself too seriously and is always looking for a good time! Interested in Kevin? Read on to find out more!
Full name: Kevin Patrick Kafoury. You probably know me as Kickstand from TFM?
Year in school: Technically, I’m a junior. Credits wise? Freshman.
Hometown: Chesterfield, MO (If I see one more Marquette person at MU I’ll lose it.)
Major: Botany
Campus involvement: You guys are funny!
Relationship status: Polygamous. Always seeking applications (send to
Favorite Mizzou memory: Ask around for the video of me breaking the table at Spring Break 2014. That was f**king nuts! “Turn Down for What” was playing at our eviction party and as soon as the beat dropped, I went too hard and this $700 table broke.
Most embarrassing moment: See above.
First item on your bucket list: Fried chicken. Maybe paint. How many other things go into buckets?
Celebrity crush: Rosie O’Donnell
Favorite thing about humanity: I really love when people talk on Bluetooth phone headsets because I like not knowing whether they’re talking to me or not. Also, I like a good pair of cargo shorts.
Favorite fictional character: Carter Pewterschmidt or Lucius Malfoy
Ideal date: A romantic trip to the batting cages. That way it can’t be a swing-and-miss!
Turn ons/offs: My lawyer has advised me not to answer this question.
One thing you wish to accomplish this year: I hope to abolish the Mizzou Online Marketing 3000 class. Has anybody taken that? Holy s**t.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I hope to be a partner with a specialization in mergers and acquisitions at a respectable law firm in my beloved hometown of St. Louis, Missouri.