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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.
Say hello to Cupcake Club president Madison Mercer! She is a sophomore human development and family studies major focusing on child life. Along with her love for baking, she is a member of Tri Delta and is working towards starting an AutismSpeaksU chapter at Mizzou.
Her Campus Mizzou: So talk to me a little bit about what you do at Cupcake Club.
Madison Mercer: The Cupcake Club is just as it sounds, a club for people who love cupcakes! The president and vice president bake the cupcakes before every meeting and the members come on the first Tuesday of every month to decorate them. We usually decorate them according to what time of year it is or the holidays coming up. 
HCM: What made you want to get involved with the club in the first place? 
MM: What sparked my interest in Cupcake Club is my love for baking. Since I was little my dad has always been an amazing cook. His side of the family is Italian so the love for cooking comes naturally. I always helped my dad around the kitchen and started to love cooking as well. I realized that I loved the baking aspect even more and, let’s be honest, who doesn’t like a good cupcake every once in a while!?
HCM: How can students get involved and find more information about the Cupcake Club?
MM: Anyone can join the Cupcake Club. We have membership forms. Our first meeting is Tuesday October 7th. Anyone is welcome! You can also look us up on
Facebook under “Mizzou Cupcake Club” and on Orgsync. 
HCM: So you said you were trying to start an AutisimSpeaksU chapter. What motivated you to do that?
MM: I had a job over the summer with kids ages 10-21 that had varying disabilities, mostly Autism and Down’s Syndrome and I absolutely fell in love with it. Those kids had a huge impact on me and it was truly an eye-opener seeing what not only them but their families go through in just one — what seems to us — simple day. I watched the Netflix documentary “Sounding the Alarm” and my idea for the chapter came from that. 
HCM: How can students get more information for AutisimSpeaksU?
MM: We will be updating Orgsync as we get more information on when we can start meeting, but if you are interested you should definitely stay tuned for more information!
HCM: What have you gained by being so involved at Mizzou?
MM: I have met so many amazing people, networked and learned to not be afraid to put myself out there because usually the end result is pretty good. I am so fortunate to be able to go to a school where getting involved and gaining leadership is so accessible.


HC Contributer Mizzou