Meet junior Max Smith. As a Peer Adviser in Schurz Hall, an Econ 1015 Teaching Assistant, a Missouri Student Union Ambassador and the Vice President of the Student Union Programming Board, he finds himself pretty busy. When he’s not here at school, he loves to lend a helping hand by participating in Mizzou’s alternative spring break program. This spring break, he’ll travel with a group of MU students to Murphy, N.C., where they will work on conservation efforts.
Name: Max Smith
Hometown: Lee’s Summit, Mo.
Major: Economics and Linguistics
Relationship status: Single
Favorite TV show: Law and Order: SVU
Little known fact: “I make the best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.”
Dream Job: U.S. Diplomat
Favorite Columbia hangout: the MU Student Center (more specifically The Shack)
Hidden talent: “I can walk on my hands the whole stretch of a football field.”
Something on his bucket list: learn to surf
Favorite Mizzou memory: “…participating in the Engineering Week campus scavenger hunt. My team didn’t understand any of the clues because they all dealt with engineering terms, and none of us were engineers, so instead we just guessed what would be likely spots to find the next clue. We were bad guessers and ended up getting last by almost an hour.”