You wake up on Sunday morning head pounding, feet killing and body aching. You reach for your phone and immediately open twitter. @MizzouMakeouts has overtaken your feed; you view every single twitpic and find yourself cracking up, yelling at your roommates “OMG look at what @MizzouMakeouts just tweeted!” All of a sudden your headache is gone and you’re ready to take on the day. Well….I wish. Although @MizzouMakeouts can’t cure our hangovers quite yet, it never fails to give me a good laugh.
It’s not just Sunday mornings either, @MizzouMakeouts has become an everyday thing. I constantly see people stalking it in class or overhear conversations about it on the street. It has truly become a craze! If you have no idea what @MizzouMakeouts is (where have you been?), it’s a Twitter account that receives pictures of MU students making out in public, which can be anywhere from at a party, on the street, in the bars, etc. Someone who snaps a picture of the frisky couple will tweet it to @MizzouMakeouts in the hopes that it will be retweeted and seen by thousands. @MizzouMakeouts has also inspired several other twitter accounts including @MizzouPassouts and @MizzouShackers which are the same idea.
There’s no doubt that @MizzouMakeouts is loved by many, but have you ever thought about how the people on it might feel? I know I’ve never really considered it myself. Is this twitter account truly hurting or humiliating people, or is it merely a joke for all of us? I asked a friend who has been on it how she felt: “It was hilarious the first time. I laughed along with my friends for a good five minutes, but the next time I made an appearance it wasn’t as funny. It just got kind of old.” Being on @MizzouMakeouts didn’t hurt my friend’s feelings at all nor did she find it embarrassing. “It’s not that big of a deal,” she said.
Sure, everyone is different. Some people may become embarrassed after being featured. Some may even change their habits in fear of being spotted by a camera. If you think you would be extremely upset after being featured on @MizzouMakeouts, don’t make out in public! It’s that simple. As for the rest of us, I think we can all agree that @MizzouMakeouts is not only entertaining, but one of our favorite accounts on Twitter. So keep it up, @MizzouMakeouts, you make my bad mornings a little bit better.