This week’s campus celeb is senior Peter Litzler, from Kansas City. He is a Mass Media Communication major who is also the President for Mizzou Student Foundation (MSF). Read on to learn more about Peter and his role in MSF.
Her Campus: What other organizations are you a part of?
Peter Litzler: My fraternity, Beta Theta Pi, I’ve had a few positions on the exec board. I also have participated in Mizzou Alternative Breaks.
HC: What about Mizzou Student Foundation appeals the most to you?
PL: MSF has a really niche roll as far as groups go on campus. We focus on educating the student body about charitable giving by alumni and friends and talk about why that’s important for the growth of the university.
HC: Do you have a favorite event/campaign that you personally have been involved with?
PL: This event, Rally Mizzou, has been really awesome. We are currently sitting at about $12,000 raised and are hoping to get to $15,000 by the end of the week.