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books on brown wooden shelf
books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

Finals week is almost upon us. It is always stressful and can often be an overwhelming time for students. Here are a few ways to help you prepare for your finals while also maintaining good mental health.

1) Study with fellow classmates

Having a friend or two by your side is always comforting, especially when you’re all in the same boat. Studying with people who are in the same class is a good way to go over the information.

2) Find a place that you can call your “study spot”

Once you find that special place where you thrive while studying, you’ll be set. Even if the world is crashing down on you, you’ll still be able to focus on your work.

3) Get some of your favorite snacks

Studying for tests can wear you out and can oftentimes leave you starving. Ā you have some of your best snacks at hand, then you’ll be just fine.

4) Listen toĀ music

Whether you love pop, rock, indie or another genre of music, listening to your favorite tunes is a great way to have fun while studying. And if you can’t concentrate withĀ certain songs, classical music is always worth a try.

5) Organize your notes

Oftentimes, there’s a lot of information we have to look over for finals. If you go throughĀ and find a way that works for you to organize them, then it’ll save you and your mental health a lot of trouble.

Studying to be a journalist at the University of Missouri in Columbia. Senior Editor and Writer at Her Campus Mizzou.
HC Contributer Mizzou