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What Twilight Character Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mizzou chapter.

I’ve always had a love for the Twilight Saga series and through the movie as a viewer, we gain a love for the characters within. Each character has unique characteristics and aspects that help to build the character that we as viewers can relate to. Using Co-Star, I have chosen 12 characters from the franchise and decided what Zodiac Sign I would characterize them as. With the app known as Co-star, I have used the characteristics of each zodiac sign from their descriptions. You can find which character from the Twilight Saga you would be based on your Zodiac Sign. 

Aries – Emmet Cullen

Aries’ have no filter, they get angry, then forget why they’re angry, think everything is a game they can win, do anything on a dare and get easily bored. If you’re an Aries your character would be Emmet Cullen. He’s a strong individual who doesn’t follow rules and is always in it to win. Emmett enjoys playing baseball and is very competitive when it comes to the game. With his fearless personality, he is always trying hard when it comes to chasing Vampires and Werewolves. 

Taurus – Edward Cullen

Taurus’ always wants to cuddle, is a bit of a homebody, all or nothing, always wears the same outfit, and hates big changes. If you are a Taurus you’re Edward Cullen. Edward constantly wants love and reassurance from his love interest Bella. Although he seems to never be home it’s clear his bedroom is filled with tons of books and of course his infamous music selection. Edward is an all-or-nothing kind of guy. It’s Bella or nothing and no in-between. Although he does have different outfits each day you would never know as his aesthetic is very basic but charming. Edward doesn’t like change, especially when it comes to Bella. Even though Bella wants to become a Vampire, Edward doesn’t want that change to occur because she would lose her humanity.

Gemini – Jacob Black

Geminis are charismatic, use humor as a crutch, have the ability to talk to a brick wall, use arguments as flirting and know a little bit about everything. If you are a Gemini then your Twilight character is Jacob Black. Jacob is constantly caring for others who are closest to him. His love for Bella shows his charisma throughout the movie. Jacob has a comedic side such as his famous quote “Bella, where the hell have you been Loca?”. He also consistently shows his dislike for the Cullens through humor and sarcastic comments about the “bloodsuckers.” Jacob is a talkative and friendly individual who isn’t afraid of confrontation, which makes it easy for him to interact with others. He seems to have a fairly flirtatious personality, as we always see him flirting with Bella even when it’s an argument. Not only does Jacob know everything about the Cullen Family he also knows a lot about cars and motorcycles, and about getting Bella’s attention. 

Cancer – Alice Cullen

Cancers are sensitive, they seek comfort, forgive but never forget, having one boundary but being very firm, and taking on other individuals’ problems. If you are a Cancer you would be Alice Cullen. Alice is sensitive and charismatic for those around her. With her ability to see the future, Alice uses this power to help others and fix their problems before the event occurs. She has a loving and gentle nature but when people do her wrong she may forgive but will always remember what they did. 

Leo – Carlisle Cullen

Leos are warm and creative, a little bit vain, have a large personality, wants to stand out, and are interested in luxury. If you are a Leo your Twilight character is Carlisle Cullen. Carlisle provides warmth for his family and patients by caring for them. He is a bit “vein” considering he has turned the Cullens family into Vampires. Carlisle stands out with his charming personality and looks making him the leader of the family. Lastly, have you seen their car?! Carlisle is living a life of luxury with his many cars and beautifully constructed home. 

Virgo – Charlie Swan

Virgos always need to feel useful, they have a quick fix for everything, they arejudgmental, but with good intentions, have great spatial awareness, and have a million ideas per second. If you are a Virgo then your Twilight character would be Charlie Swan. Charlie always wants to help Bella in any way he can even if it may seem that he doesn’t care. When Bella leaves home in the first movie because of James, Charlie thinks of ways that he could fix things for Bella to stay home because of his love for her. When Bella wasn’t doing well when Edward left, he wanted to think of things for her to do to get out of the slump she was in. He wasn’t Edward’s biggest fan and consistently judged their relationship, but it was all in good intentions for Bella. He wants what’s best for her even when it comes to the man she’s with. As a cop, Charlie has to have exceptional spatial awareness especially when working in the forest in search of “Bears.” With his consistent care for Bella, he’s always thinking of how to better their relationship and ways for her to enjoy her time in Forks. 

Libra – Bella Swan

Libras don’t enjoy being alone, they have great aesthetics, avoid conflict, they see every side, they’re prone to fantasy and super indecisive. If you are a Libra your Twilight character is Bella Swan. Bella is one of the main characters in the Twilight Saga and as viewers, we grow a love and frustration towards her. She struggles with loneliness and seeks validation to feel safe and comfortable. With her love interests being a vampire and a werewolf she’s prone to the ideas of a life within a fantasy world. Since it’s hard for her to choose between Edward and Jacob it’s clear that Bella has trouble making decisions, but in the end, she makes the right one in my opinion.

Scorpio – Victoria

Scorpios have the constant feeling of betrayal, look cool in a leather jacket, they’re ok with silence, they have eyes that look into your soul, and you can never tell if they are serious or joking. If you are a Scorpio your Twilight Character would be Victoria. Victoria is a striking and fierce character in the Twilight Saga. She hates the feeling of betrayal, especially when the Cullens killed James. I will say that Victoria’s style is to die for with her fur coats and luscious red hair, although we never see her in a black leather jacket I know she would rock it. As Victoria is always running and hiding she’s fully comfortable in silence. In the movie, you would never know she was there if it weren’t for her fiery red hair in the back of the scene. Although she doesn’t seem like one to make jokes in the movie she states she has a “wicked curveball,” as a viewer, I can’t tell if she was for real or if she was just saying that. Lastly, Victoria’s red eyes are striking and see right through you. Don’t mess with her or a Scorpio baddie.

Sagittarius – Jessica Stanley

Sagittarius don’t have an indoor voice, they form opinions based on pure emotion, are obsessed with self-improvement, and are one of the kindest friends at the party. If you are a Sagittarius your Twilight character is Jessica Stanley. Jessica is always ecstatic and hyper, causing a loud but calm nature about her. She has opinions especially when it comes to the Cullens and Bella, and is willing to discuss them very vocally throughout the movies. She also has built up anger towards Bella due to the attention and validation she was receiving from the different guys at school. Jessica constantly wants to look and feel better about herself through self-validation and working to better herself. Although she may have her quirks Jessica is kind and always there for her friends.

Capricorn – Rosalie Hale

Capricorns seem like a full-grown adult since age six, they are a responsible friend, are motivated by duty, they take a minute to warm up to people and try to repress their emotions to gain success. If you’re a Capricorn your Twilight character is Rosalie Hale. Rosalie has a striking and bold personality, it demonstrates her maturity while she still gets upset at small things. She always wants to do what is right, making her the responsible member of the family, and has a comeback for everything. Although she may get frustrated by Bella she’s always motivated and there when duty calls to protect her. She may be a bit vain but through character development, Rosalie begins to warm up to the viewers and the fellow characters. Her strong demeanor and personality show that her emotions are driven by the success of the family and wanting what’s best for everyone but she tends to repress those feelings throughout the movies. 

Aquarius – Alice Cullen

Aquarius are purposefully esoteric, they have no feelings just concepts, believe in conspiracy theories, are more in love with humanity as a whole than individuals, and always feel personal freedom. If you are an Aquarius your Twilight Character is Jasper Hale. He’s a quiet character within the Twilight series but branches out in Twilight Eclipse. He’s mostly understood by his family members, especially by his love interest, Alice Cullen. Jasper would be one to be interested in conspiracy theories with his mysterious demeanor. As an individual, he doesn’t necessarily show his love for humanity due to his vampire tendencies but works to understand all. Lastly, as a soldier who fought in the Civil War, he has a feeling for personal freedom.

Pisces – Renesmee

Pisces are both 5 and 50 years old at once, they believe everything is a sign, don’t remember if it was a dream or if it happened, are prone to fantasy and have no boundaries. If you’re a Pisces your Twilight character is the one and only Renesmee. In the movie Renesmee ages excessively fast due to her vampire and human aspects, making it hard to determine her age. Renesmee’s power of touching people’s faces and sending them thoughts is her way of expressing that everything is a sign to those with whom she is sharing her thoughts. It’s hard to understand if what’s being presented is a dream or real during the scenes of Renesmee’s growth as it is a bit of a chaotic portion of the movie. Just like her mother, she is prone to fantasy, as she was born into this fantasy world as well as being a human vampire and imprinted by a werewolf. Since Renesmee’s a child she doesn’t hold boundaries which is shown through her constantly touching people’s faces without asking.

Olivia Eaker

Mizzou '23

Hello, My name is Olivia Eaker Sophomore majoring in Speech, Language, and Hearing Science with minors in Psychology and Health Science. I love listening to music, singing in my a cappella group, and scrolling through social media.