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Life > Experiences

An Ode to the Women who Have Shaped Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MMM chapter.

Strength, power, courage, determination, heart, and love. There are so few words that can describe the women I have had the privilege of knowing in my life. Without the support and guidance of the role models I look up to I can not even begin to think about who I would be today. Close your eyes, imagine a warm hug on a bad day or a caring smile when the world seems dull. These are simple things that bring me joy. With Women’s History Month upon us, I want to take a minute to acknowledge to very special women in my life. The women that I have to thank are the building blocks of all the good things in my life, so thank you.

To my best friends, I think you know who you are. You bring me the most laughter I could ever imagine. Your strength is a characteristic that I admire and take with me on my day-to-day. I think about how you have become my family, and I appreciate how our shared experiences give us a bond so tight we feel like one unit. I imagine the hot car rides with the windows down in the summer and think about the true acceptance you have brought into my life. Screaming Ribs by Lorde at the top of our lungs and experiencing the most bittersweet memories this past summer before we went off to college. Those moments shape me by giving me the best memories to look back on and showing me how special a best friend’s bond could be stronger than even the hardest days we face. Thank you. 

My two sisters. You both inspire me in ways you could never know. You encourage me to be the best version of myself while I have two amazing examples to see right in front of me. I take with me your determination and work ethic. You both have brought an incredible amount of love and especially laughter. Not to brag, but I think we have to be the funniest trio of sisters to exist, truly, we are pretty great. I look at you both and see strong, extremely hard-working women who know what they want and go for it. I love how that is a trait that I have adopted from you because you inspire me to go after my own goals just as you have. There really aren’t enough words to say how much you mean to me, but I hope you can feel my fluttering heart through the screen. Thank you. 

To my sweet as pie Mom-mom, first, I love you! You fill my world with the funniest stories and memories of your life from when you were my age to now. Your innate love for everyone and everything inspires me to be more positive in my daily life. It is so beautiful how you can find something to smile about in even the situations that make life not so great. There really is nothing better than going to see you and knowing I will leave with the knowledge of more stories and memories that make my heart smile. I love sitting on the rocking chair sofa surrounded by pictures of family and picking off the snack trays, I can always count on being out at all times. I love you more than you know. Thank you. 

Now to my mom. Where do I even start? First, I do not think I tell you enough how much I truly look up to you as a role model in my life. You have countless qualities that make you someone who I can truly say has her stuff together. You have always taught me from a young age to be a hard worker, and for that, I am so grateful. I would watch you wake up early in the morning and get ready for work as I sat in your bed drinking chocolate milk watching cartoons and thinking you were just the coolest person ever. I take with me your love of self-expression, and not being afraid to make a statement. Independent, strong-willed, and of course loving. You gave me the tools to grow up in a world where women are shut down or undermined. I saw how you never gave up and ensured you were heard. I hope I can continue to use the tools you gave me in my future. I am so proud and privileged to be able to have you as my mom. You are the reason why I do what I do. Thank you. 

If I could, I would go on for twenty more pages, but the point is, I love these women, and I owe them the credit for the woman I am today. I am so grateful for you all, and I encourage you to reflect on the women in your lives. Just think how they have impacted your life and how beautiful that is. To all women, Thank you.

Elliott (Elle) Case made the move from the suburbs of PA to the big leagues of NYC to attend Marymount Manhattan College as a Digital Journalism and Communication Arts double major. With her time home in PA, she found a love for writing. Through this passion, she found relatability, and an outlet to let her creativity flow freely. Her stories are that of life, love, drama, and the happenings of the city she loves.