Bravo TV’s hit reality television franchise, Real Housewives, revolves around the lives of women in affluent cities and circles. The housewives all have one thing in common: they live in beautiful homes that are worth millions. Whether they have sprawling mansions, luxurious apartments, gorgeous summer homes or swanky beach houses – they are living comfortable and chic.
In New Jersey they like to keep it gold, opulent, clean, warm and overall it has to look and feel like luxury. The East Coast is all about the details. In New York City the apartments are modern, chic, innovative and classy. Summer homes in the Hamptons are full of grace, class, comfort and crisp clean looks. In Beverly Hills and Orange County it’s all about water and weather in true Cali fashion. They keep it organized, colorful and elegant. From the East Coast to the West Coast, the Real Housewives keep it real when it comes to real estate.
Here are the ten best homes from the Real Housewives:
1) Teresa Giudice: RHONJ
2) Lisa Vanderpump: RHOBH
3) Kyle Richards: RHOBH
4) Melissa Gorga: RHONJ
5) Yolanda Foster: RHOBH
6) Kelly Bensimon: RHONY Manhattan Apartment & Hamptons House
7) Kim Zolciak: RHOA & Spin-offs
8) Heather DuBrow: RHOC
9) Aviva Drescher: RHONY
10. Carole Radziwill: RHONY