Every woman gets her period and I don’t think any of us are jumping for joy when it’s that time of the month. Being a woman has many perks and bleeding out of your downstairs for a week is not one of them. It’s okay to hate your period and here are the reasons why it just sucks:
The bloating and painful cramping. Nothing is worse than waking up in the morning with cramps. You go to the bathroom and see you got your period, how wonderful. Cramps make you feel like your uterus is going to bust out of your stomach while being stabbed. Not fun, and usually we still have to go about our day like our vagina doesn’t feel like it is slowly killing us. Bloating makes you feel gross and fat. None of your clothes seem to fit and the only thing that you want to wear are sweatshirts and sweatpants. But hey, there is something that may be a life saver. Try using a heating pad to get those awful cramps to just go the hell away.
The countless amount of money spent of pads and tampons. Over our lifetime the cost of pads and tampons really add up. I would much rather be able to spend that money on a new car, or clothes!
PMS. Where do I even begin here? We could be having a perfectly fine day, then someone or something will piss you off and your entire mood changes. You can go to from happy to crazy person in a matter of seconds. This is nothing we can control. The worst part is when guys notice your mood change and say “oh she must be on her period.” Hey dude, you try getting your period every month and see how you feel.
Periods can ruin your sex life. Although it doesn’t mean you can’t have sex, it’s kind of gross. This isn’t the case for everyone, some people don’t care about having sex when the women are on her period, while others do. Sex can often be too painful during your period because of all the cramps and bloating that is going on inside you. It can also be very very messy and no one wants bloody sheets and blankets.
The acne that comes with your period. Although some of us are lucky and do not break out during their period, a lot of women do. You get those few zits in the same spot every time before your period comes and you know it coming. Sometimes it will get worse as the period starts.