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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.

These past five years have been an up and down roller coaster of life. I was planning on only being in college for four years but with changing my major multiple times that turned into five. But now with only less than a month left it is all coming down to an end. I have made some of my best friends here and leaving is going to be bitter sweet. Although this is not how I planned my last moments in college to end. With the COVID-19 pandemic school was cut short and moved to online. Changing a lot of things in life and making coping with it all even harder. Not being able to see your friends everyday and having our normal routine stopped. We had our graduation ceremony cancelled and that is something you look forward to your whole time at college to give yourself that long awaited accomplishment. The past five years have turned into what my life is right now. I am not sure how it is going to feel when I move back home. Mankato has been my home and it is somewhere I feel comfortable at and feel at home at. 


    I have grown so much and I owe that to my college career and everything that has happened, both good and bad. I have gained many friends and also lost friends in the process. Finding who your true friends are can be hard but I am glad I can leave college knowing I have some of the best friends out there. Freshman year I was on top of the world because it was the first time living away from home and having so much freedom. But honestly those friends I made my first year I am not friends with anymore. Once I moved into an apartment I realized who I was as a person and who was really there for me. It was not until my junior and senior year that I found two of my closest friends. And not being able to hangout with them all the time once college is all over is going to be so hard. They have been my rocks and people who I can always count on. 


    Although my college carer is coming to an end I truly believe the best is yet to come. And everything that I went through during my time here has made me into the person I am and who I am supposed to be. Live your college life to the fullest, make good friends and take risks. Because it will come to an end faster than you think and one day you’ll look back and wish you were still there. 


I am senior at MNSU and am studying to get a degree in Marketing with a minor in Mass Media. I love cooking, being around friends and family, going on little adventures, and just having fun.