Tiring, terrific and trying – it’s no coincidence that they all start with the same letters as “toddler teacher.” Just recently, I celebrated my one year of working at a daycare. I’ve come a long way. Working with toddlers is, in my opinion, one of the most difficult jobs. You’re working with children in the middle of their most developmental – and emotional – stage of life. They have yet to figure out how to handle their emotions and sometimes have trouble using their words to communicate instead of just biting. Chances are, if you work all day, the kids are spending more time with you than with their own parents. You know their likes and dislikes, how they operate and their goofy little quirks.
Toddlers also show their love in many, many ways. They can love you with all their heart one day and then shut down and choose a new favorite the next. Yes, you change the poopiest, most horrifying diapers you’ve ever seen, but you also get the best hugs and snuggles known to man. It’s not a “clock in and clock out” type of job; even walking down the aisles of your favorite store, you see things and think “my kids would love this” or “he/she would be so cute in this!”
It takes a big heart and a lot of patience, but I wouldn’t change my job for the world.