We all want to search for that thing that brings us true happiness. We’re all searching for just that one thing. Maybe you’re just waiting for something to happen, maybe you’re searching high and low. It can take years or a lifetime to find something that will bring love, satisfaction, and bliss.
But what if we stopped searching and just let that wonder come to us.
Serendipity; (n.) finding something good without searching for it.
We certainly can find good in each and every day. There is at least one thing that makes us laugh or brings a smile to our faces.
It’s understandable that we all want to search for something bigger, something that we think will fulfill us completely. What we need to do though, is take the time to enjoy all the wonderful little things that fall into our lives along the way.
I encourage you to take the time to find the enjoyment in every day. And I promise that soon, what you are searching for will come along just at the right time.