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Supreme Court Justice: Brett Kavanaugh

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MNSU chapter.

Brett Kavanaugh was running for supreme court justice when a women name Christine Blasey Ford accused Brett of sexually assaulting her. When this news came about, there were many talks of whether there should be an FBI investigation on this matter. Unfortunately, there never was an investigation. Instead, both Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford were to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.



The Senate hearing was difficult and emotional, to say the least. Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford both had completely different stories. According to the media, Blasey Ford’s story was washy because she didn’t remember all of the information. On the other hand, Kavanaugh remembered every detail because he wrote his thoughts down in a book. Kavanaugh was so heart broken about this testimony that he was yelling and almost demanding the senate to understand him.


When is was Blasey’s turn to talk during the hearing, many tears were present. Blasey said that she felt extreme terror almost 30 years ago, when drunken Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, and attempted to rip her clothes off. “I believe he was going to rape me,” she said, adding, “It was hard for me to breathe, and I thought that Brett was going to accidentally kill me.”




After this emotional hearing, there had to be a decision made. Brett Kavanaugh was made Supreme Court Justice, despite the allegations of him raping Christine Blasey Ford. This was not the only allegation that came out about Brett Kavanaugh, but many of those allegations were ignored.





Hannah is a Junior at Minnesota State University, Mankato and one of the Campus Correspondents for the HC MNSU chapter. She is currently double majoring in Marketing and Business Management with a Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.