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10 Reasons Why Your Siblings Are Your BFFS

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Molloy chapter.

Siblings could be your best friends or your worst enemy on certain days, but in the end, all is love. Here are ten reasons why your siblings are an important part of your life. 

1. You don’t have to even speak to know what each other are thinking

It takes only one look to point out something to each other. Everyone else in the room gets confused when they see this, but you guys just laugh knowing inside the real reason behind the “look.”

2. You are always there for one another

No matter the time or place, they are there. A ride home from a friend’s house late at night, if you’re hungry and need a ride to get pizza, your siblings always got you.

3. You can be yourself at all times

You may act a little different in crowds, like being professional and such, but with your siblings, your weird unique self unleashes and no one judges you for that. Your siblings love you for you.

4. You know everything about each other

There’s not a single thing that your sibling doesn’t know about you. They know how to detect your moods, your favorite foods, drink, dessert, etc.

5. You can be mad at each other for several minutes and then become BFFs again in less than an hour

Who can really stay mad at their sibling? You just make another mean joke again and laugh it off.


6. You need each others approval 

New clothes? Boys? Girls? Your sibling will give you the approval for the go or not.

7. Give you the best, most honest advice

Your siblings will be brutally honest with you no matter what. If you want the best advice, go to your sibling, they will tell you like it is. 

8. They will never judge you

You can be yourself around your siblings, tell them stories, or things you’ve done, and they won’t judge you. 

9. Your inside jokes will never die

You and your siblings little inside jokes will last for decades! They will come up at random times and make you laugh until you cry. 

10. They always want the best for you

Your siblings have nothing but good intentions for you. They are your biggest supporters, role models, and more. They don’t want to ever see you fail, just succeed. 




