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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Molloy chapter.

Question #1: What is the reason behind lack of commitment in this generation?

    I think one of the biggest causes comes from the increasing pace of our lifestyles. It’s easy to see the numerous ways advances in technology have made life easier for us. However people hardly stop to consider how it affects the way we think. More is expected of us and, we are exposed to incredible amounts of information in short periods of time. This generation has been conditioned to shift focus from one thing to another, in order to keep up with the pace of the world around them.  Ultimately, people take attention for granted and that in turn, translates to their relationships. I believe in order to combat this we as individuals have to stop and realize that somethings are meant to stay in focus.


Question #2 As a guy what were your thoughts on the women march?

    I fully support the women’s march and feminism in general. It is unfortunate that society has placed so many barriers on the female population. I consider myself a feminist because, sexual equality is something we should all strive for. Sexism is a serious problem and any effort to combat it should be encouraged.


Question #3 Is college a good place to look for a relationship?

Yes, I believe that college is one of the better places to look for a relationship actually. That being said there are two things you should make sure of right off the bat when looking for someone. First, do you see a stable future with this person. Second, make sure you have something in common with them. College makes it much easier to find people who meet those requirements.

Most people in college are there because they have some type of goal for their future. No one is in college because they want to be there. Most of us students understand that higher education is something we must endure in order to have a stable future. I’m not saying that every college student will promise you a stable relationship because that’s unrealistic. However, even a simple conversation about someone’s major can give you valuable insight as to where the head is at.

One of the best things about college is that it’s easy to find someone you have stuff in common with. There’s clubs, people in your major, and everyone’s universal hate of school work.  Meeting someone with similar interests is bound to happen in college and it can happen without stepping to far outside your comfort zone.

    Ultimately I believe college is a great place to look for a relationship. Finding the right person is a trial and error process and college can help you make that process a lot easier.

Travis is 19 in his fourth semester of college! He is considered a Junior at Molloy and majors in Accounting! When he discovered(?) Her Campus at his school he immediately joined and became a writer and the Instragram coordinator. Now he is proud to be a Campus Correspondent!