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What Does Your Birthstone Say About You?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Molloy chapter.

January: Garnet

Garnet signifies power. It means you are very strong and excitable and not afraid to be yourself. You have a bold personality and when you set goals, you do whatever it takes to achieve them. The garnet stone is also known for guidance and support. You are the “rock” in your group of friends and they lean on you when they need your help. You happen to be very good with business and financial troubles, so you are most likely a business major. Money is one of your best friends! You’re most compatible with the Sapphire stone and least compatible with the Pearl stone.

February: Amethyst

Amethyst signifies sincerity. It means you are unique and sincere. You never hide your quirks from others and you are the farthest person from being fake. You are very real and loveable and it is easy to look past your flaws because you are very modest and honest with yourself. The Amethyst stone is known for protecting people from evil eyes and bringing peace of mind to others. Everyone always accepts you for who you are. Another thing about people connected with the Amethyst is that they’re very good multitaskers and amazing at analyzing different points of views of a stories. The Amethyst is not naive though and cannot be easily tricked. You’re most compatible with Turquoise and least compatible with the Ruby stone.

March: Aquamarine

Aquamarine signifies bravery. You are very courageous and have a big heart for adventure. You always put yourself out there wherever you are because of your motivated soul. You have the spirit of a fighter but can find peace of mind in almost any situation. The only time you feel combative is when you feel you need to be, like in an emergency. The Aquamarine stone is known for having cleansing and purifying powers. Therefore, you’re very good at keeping the poison of negative energy out of your life. Most of the time you are tranquil and at peace and you are known for noticing everything around you clearly. You see reality and just accept it. You are most compatible with Topaz and least compatible with Sapphire.

April: Diamond

Diamond signifies allure. You have sparking beauty, but don’t be fooled because Diamonds are also tough. You are truly dazzling, but you are not fragile at all. People always seem to be jealous of your almost perfect life, but you don’t blame them. Who could? You feel fortunate. Diamonds are known for representing clarity and abundance. You always wish that other people could improve their lives and shoot for the stars. You believe everyone can achieve their dreams, and just want the best for everyone you love! You are most compatible with Opal and least compatible with the Emerald stone.

May: Emerald

Emerald signifies balance. You are known for being very harmonious and being super chill! You are very in touch with nature and have a super strong intuition. You can read people really easily all while being really witty and intelligent. Emeralds are known for representing spring and renewal. You are always finding new ways to reinvent yourself and aim for personal growth. You believe people are as dynamic as you, and always changing, This is why you always give people a second chance. You believe anyone can change. You are most compatible with Topaz and least compatible with Turquoise.

June: Pearl

Pearl signifies nature. You are the type of person who is perfectly happen with being yourself. You never feel the need to act better than others because that’s how comfortable you are with yourself. You usually follow your heart and do whatever you think feels right in your heart. Deep down, you always go down the right path. The pearl is known for representing prosperity and a long life-span. You feel like you are a very lucky person, but this is not true. What you think is luck is actually just you knowing what path to go down. You usually end up making good choices! You are most compatible with Turquoise and least compatible with Garnet.

July: Ruby

Ruby signifies leadership. You are the type of person to take charge and take your responsibilities head on. You were born to lead or live your life with purpose. What you desire most is power. You refuse to be helpless or show weakness to anybody. You tend to get what you want, especially in matters of love. Rubies represent power, authority, and uncontrollable passion. You never let anything stand in your way and overcome any obstacles. Out of all the other types of birthstones, you are the most determined to get things done. Whenever you want something, you make sure you get something. You are most compatible with Emerald and least compatible with Amethyst.

August: Peridot

Peridot signifies innovation. You happen to be a very broad thinker. You like to think about all the possibilities in a given situation and are a unique problem solver. You are a big fan of fresh starts and feel like you have lived many different lives within this one lifetime. Peridot is said to represent vitality. You have the special ability to breathe life into anything. Makeovers are one of your most favorite things to do. You love personal growth as well, but you love it in everyone. In your eyes, problems are either thrown away or solved. You are most compatible with Turquoise and least compatible with Topaz.

September: Sapphire

Sapphire represents wisdom. You love to seek the truth, whether it is good or back. You need answers and you need them now. There is not just one truth about anything. The truth is always changing and you are completely aware about this. It’s all about the journey of discovering all these truths that matters most to you. Sapphires are said to represent clarity. You are very good at clearing your mind and focusing on what’s important. You are always honest and completely loyal to your friends. You always let your friends know if someone or something is hurting them. You are most compatible with Topaz and least compatible with Turquoise.

October: Opal

Opal represents dreaminess. You have a beautifully innocent heart and you believe that there truly is good in this world. You tend to be optimistic about most things. You are always daydreaming and thinking optimistically. There’s no reason in the world that your dreams can’t come true. Opals represent friendship and genuineness. You tend to have a lot friends and get along well with most people. It’s hard for you to ever be truly mean and people are attracted to the real you. You have a lot to give. You get along best with other Opals and are least compatible with Sapphires.

November: Topaz

Topaz represents sensibility. You are always very fair, but you are also very stubborn. You tend to have a stong sense of what is right and what is wrong. Friendship and loyalty are super important to you and once someone is friends with you, you stay true to them for the rest of your life. Topaz represents sanity and healing. You bring moderation and balance into this topsy-turvy world. You tend to bring whatever is lacking, or the opposite of what everyone is. You also know how to look at the big picture. You usually avoid petty everyday drama and save your energy for things that actually matter. You are most compatible with Aquamarine and least compatible with Diamond.

December: Turquoise

Turquoise represents a free-spirit. You are extremely creative and you have a very wide imagination. You love to inspire and be inspired. You don’t waste your time trying to live an ordinary life, and that’s perfectly okay. Your luck just seems to never run out. Turquoise represents good fortune and prosperity. Maybe you do not feel rich, but you most likely feel fortunate for the small things in life. You are really unique and unforgettable. Many admire you for doing your own thing and not worrying about what others think. You are most compatible with Amethyst and least compatible with Emerald.

Travis is 19 in his fourth semester of college! He is considered a Junior at Molloy and majors in Accounting! When he discovered(?) Her Campus at his school he immediately joined and became a writer and the Instragram coordinator. Now he is proud to be a Campus Correspondent!