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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Monmouth chapter.

This past weekend, the vernal equinox arrived – yes, that’s right, Spring is here! The sun is shining, the weather is warming up, and seasonal depression is slowly drifting away. Essentially, this is the season of rebirth; it’s another chance to have fun and enjoy yourself.

As for myself, I am going to take this opportunity to think of things I hope to achieve or complete throughout this Spring season. Unfortunately, there are still COVID restrictions; so, I decided on thirty ~simple~ things to make up my Spring bucket list:

  1. Graduate college with the highest honors
  2. Learn to solve a Rubik’s Cube
  3. Save more money
  4. Learn to cook a few meals
  5. Have an at-home spa day
  6. Start an outline for a book/screenplay
  7. Listen to a new album
  8. Apply for and accept a full-time position that I love
  9. Binge watch a new show
  10. See a sunrise and sunset in one day
  11. Read a new book (for fun)
  12. Do something good for others
  13. Donate to a new nonprofit organization
  14. Try yoga
  15. Build up my upper-body strength
  16. Get a new ear piercing
  17. Spend a whole day without going on social media
  18. Learn to step out of my comfort zone
  19. Play the lottery
  20. Go play golf
  21. Make plans to go to a rage room
  22. Dye my hair a different color
  23. Learn a new dance
  24. Discover new petitions to sign
  25. Come up with my 5-10 year plan
  26. Watch a movie outside
  27. Start collecting meaningful items
  28. Daydream about what I want for myself
  29. Volunteer at an animal shelter
  30. Let things go and don’t hold a grudge!




Allison is 21 years old and currently a senior at Monmouth University. She is an English major and hopes to enter a career in digital content writing or social media marketing. She loves all things pop culture - tv shows, movies, music, beauty, and more!