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The Perks of Working with Animals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Monmouth chapter.

Last summer, I started working at a doggy daycare in my hometown. If you’re considering working with animals, either part-time or as a career, here are some of my favorite benefits of working at a job that involves dogs.

1.The only people you typically interact with are coworkers.

As someone who came from a job in customer service, I can testify that customers exhaust you. Sometimes, it seems as though you can’t do anything right. They yell at you, threaten to get you fired, and make you want to cry. Dogs don’t do that, and typically your coworkers don’t either. Everyone that I work with at my job all shares a common interest in loving animals, so everyone pretty much gets along. A lot of people, like me, also left their customer service jobs to work there, because again like me, they really don’t like interacting with other people. Now I know saying all of this makes it seem as though I hate people; I don’t, it’s just you can only work in retail or customer service for so long until you’ve had it. Dogs are a nice break from all that.

2. The clientele can’t talk back.

Ever had a rude customer yell in your face over something you couldn’t control? A customer insult you so much you were on the brink of tears? Much of this is common in the retail or customer service industry when you cannot make someone happy. Guess what? Dogs can’t do that. Dogs can barely even talk back (although they can and will bark back). But at the end of the day, the dogs only know that you are there to take care of them. They’ll love you no matter what, even if you spill something all over the floor or make one mistake while on the clock. 

3. Dogs can lift your mood even on bad days.

Picture this: you’ve just had the worst morning ever. You pull into the parking lot at work, ready to burst into tears. As soon as you walk in, you’re greeted by a pug jumping on your leg and a golden retriever licking your hand, looking as dopey as ever. The sight of most dogs alone is enough to make someone smile. Technically, it’s been scientifically proven that puppies release serotonin in your brain, so dogs really do trigger happiness! Just start clapping in front of any dog, and I can guarantee that they’ll react as though you’re about to throw a party. Dogs can lift your spirits no matter what, and most make it their goal to make you happy.

4. You learn to develop patience really quickly.

The downfall to working with dogs is that they don’t always listen. You could yell their name hundreds of times, clap at them to stop, and still they’ll continue to do what they’re doing. Sometimes, dogs just won’t listen. They could care less if you get mad at them. They’re simply doing what dogs do. The good news is that you get used to this, and it really helps you develop a better sense of patience. You learn to take new approaches to things; something you tried before might not work, but you can innovate and try something else! It helps you develop solutions to problems you wouldn’t normally have the patience for.

5. You can share really cool dog facts!

Did you know that dogs can’t sweat? Or that the Labrador retriever is the most popular dog breed? How about that dogs hump to assert dominance (as well as for the other well-known, awkward reason)? If you didn’t, you can learn all of this by working with dogs! At my job, I have learned so much about dogs in general that I have started to feel like Ceaser Millan (if you don’t know who that is, he’s an excellent and world-renounced dog trainer)! And if you’re like me, you enjoy spewing random facts to anyone and everyone you know.

Overall, working with animals is an extremely rewarding experience. I recommend it to anyone looking for a change of job in the future. It’s a great change of pace, and you’ll love waking up for work!


Ashley Pastore

Monmouth '22

Hi! My name is Ashley Pastore, and I am a senior majoring in marine and environmental biology and policy, and minoring in information technology. I am a dog enthusiast, and love to go for hikes and try new food! Ask me anything about Harry Potter, I'm sure I'll know the answer!