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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Monmouth chapter.

It’s time for us to start being kind to ourselves. If you have ever had a negative thought about yourself, please say “I…”

Then add “…AM BEAUTIFUL!”

Because you, my darling, are something special. Yes, you are like no other. An amazing creature perfectly made. My love, you are irreplaceable!

Remember that time when you laughed until it hurt? Or that time you were having so much fun you didn’t notice it was getting dark out? Or that time you and your friend made a complete mess of each other?

Or that time where you noticed that you were different than the other girls. Or that time someone pointed out a flaw you didn’t know was there? You never stopped noticing, did you? Or that time you stopped having as much fun as you used to? Because you must be doing something wrong. I mean, everyone else is doing it perfectly, so why can’t you? Well, I guess pretty hurts.


So, you learned to make yourself look “presentable” because having no makeup on just “isn’t your thing.” Because makeup isn’t covering your beauty it’s just enhancing it. That’s all you really need…a little help.

But my dear, your beauty is so much more. Your weight is the least interesting thing about you. The glitter glistening on top of those dazzling eyes can’t shine brighter than the moments they’ve seen. The experiences they’ve had. Those painted lips are the gate keepers to that voice of yours. The type you can pick out of a crowd. Indescribably unique. That voice has stories, and jokes – not so funny ones too – but that voice is yours. Keep her close, be gentle with her words.

Here’s to that boy who hurt you, or that girl who teased you. Here’s to the moment you stopped loving yourself. And here’s to the moment you begin again, too. Because you, my darling, are something special…