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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Monmouth chapter.

7:00 A.M. – wake up…Pinterest

7:30 A.M. – brush teeth…Instagram

8:00 A.M. – breakfast…YouTube

9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. – Work

2:30 to 10:00 P.M. – YouTube, Instagram, YouTube, YouTube, Netflix…

  • Repeat  –


Here are my top three reasons I decided to change my habits:


My life became EXTREMELY unproductive

I can’t tell you the number of times I have wanted to do something…planned to do something…had to finish something – that I never got to complete.

I was so consumed by my phone, I convinced myself that I did not have the time to finish what I have set out to do for myself.

I blamed the amount of work given to me, rather than the amount of time I wasted on my phone.

Now, I am not saying that spending less time on my phone allowed me to run a marathon, meditate, write a book, AND learn a language all in one day. But I am saying that I can finally open that book I said I would read a million times.


I Lost Parts of Myself

Not to get too deep, but I spent so much time watching (or scrolling through) someone else’s story that I never had time to process my own.

It got to the point where I was never left alone with my own thoughts. My brain was constantly processing the latest things that happened to pop up on my feed.

They say a minute is subjective. I was wasting my time and didn’t even realize it.

A 60 second plank is well, you know, worth a million years. But, an hour on your phone can go by without you even noticing.


“Fun” no longer was Fun

I look back on it and I can’t help but cringe. We post pictures of ourselves looking like we are having the best time – but the reality of it is way off. Everyone’s got their phones out and are clicking away.

We spent so much time trying to get pictures and videos for our “stories” that we didn’t fully enjoy the moments we were supposed to be having.

Then we obsessively check our views/likes. It’s like a social media dystopia.

You might be like “okay, that’s not what I’m like.”Maybe you’re right, and this is just my own personal experience. I may be absolutely exposing myself with this article. But one thing I want you to do is take a look at your average screen time on your phone and judge for yourself.

It is, after all, right there next to you…