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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montana chapter.

Major: Spanish with a minor in International Development and maybe a minor in French.
Hometown: Stevens Point, Wisconsin

What do you want to do with your degree?
Hopefully, international work, such as urban development in developing and growing countries around the world.  

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I would go to Nepal to hike the Himalayas. I’m also planning on studying abroad in Valparaiso, Chile.

What’s your favorite band? Let’s go with a tie between Arcade Fire and Modest Mouse.

Where can we find you on the weekends? Usually I either go camping or just general activity-ing…kind of whatever comes along.

Where’s your favorite place in Missoula? Probably downtown during the day because it’s so lively and bustling and there’s a lot of friendly people.

What are your hobbies? I really like swimming and climbing, and sometimes hiking, just short ones around Missoula. I like to crochet and other stuff like that. I also really like playing with dogs that I run into around Missoula!

What’s your favorite part about Missoula? The people and the atmosphere; how friendly and welcoming everything is. I just moved here but I’ve never felt out of place.

Campus Correspondant- My Campus Montana, colettemaddock@hercampus.com Colette Maddock is a senior at the University of Montana (class of 2011). She is a print Journalism major and a Women's Studies minor from Whitefish, Montana. This summer she interned at Skiing Magazine. She is passionate about winter sports, and loves skiing and figure skating. In her spare time she reads tons of books, tries to cook, and spends time with her friends.