Gnomeo and Juliet is the heartwarming tale about two garden gnomes who find love despite their warring gardens. This animated movie is a perfect Valentine’s pick for those looking for a little fun.
This film has a little bit for the child in all of us including some humor and references layered throughout for the older kids. With the voice talents of James McAvoy as Gnomeo, Emily Blunt as Juliet, the creators even brought in Ozzy Osbourne, Dolly Parton and Hulk Hogan to voice some lovable sidekicks (and machines) to ramp up the memorable one-liners that keep your sides aching the whole time. This “version” even has a small commentary from Shakespeare himself. References to old classics like “Lassie” as well as lines from the original Romeo and Juliet show that “Gnomeo and Juliet” truly has something for everyone.
The movie was fantastic, however I didn’t see the point or need to make it a 3D film. I thought it was entertaining enough to share with everyone, and even to go to more than once, but the three-dollar extra charge for 3D makes it a little pricey. Overall the whole experience was fun and this is another animated hit for all ages.