Her Campus Montclair collegiettes, meet Priscilla Ofori, a senior here at Montclair State University who is taking her campus by storm. As a student leader, we can assure you that Miss. Ofori is very goal oriented, driven and inspirational to say the least. Not only is her bubbly and humorous personality one that can capture anyone’s heart, but she is also full of wisdom. Read on below for a few of Priscilla’s words of wisdom. We hope you enjoy!
Name: Priscilla Ofori
Major: Communications w/ a Concentration in Organization
Minor: Leadership Development Through Civic Engagement
Birthday: June 4th, 1994
Year: Senior
Favorite Celebrity: Ne-Yo
Quote: “Smiling takes less effort than frowning, so smile.”
HCM: What are some ways that you are involved on campus?
PO: I am the Vice President for NASO [The Native African Student Organization], and I am also a NASO Dance Troupe member, an EOF Peer Leader, Resident Assistant and Student Assistant.
HCM: Wow! So you are no stranger to this campus community. In your eyes, what makes someone campus celebrity worthy aside from being well known?
PO: Someone who does what they are doing because they are actually passionate about it and they do it for the right reasons. They don’t just involve themselves for popularity. For example, I’m an RA and I do all that I do so my residents can follow my lead in becoming a great leader.
HCM: Who’s your celebrity twin in terms of personality?
PO: I would say my personality matches up with Raven Symone’s character, Olivia, on the Cosby Show because she was very inquisitive, and was the life of the show. Also, I’m a lively person, very sociable, inquisitive, and I like to make people feel comfortable. So I feel like my personality matches with who Olivia was portrayed to be on the show.
HCM: If you could change anything about your college experience, what would you do differently?
PO: I would definitely put more interest in the classes that I didn’t find too interesting. I think that if I would’ve taken more interest in some classes, then I would’ve done better in them as well.
HCM: As a senior, you’ve obviously gone through a lot to get here. So what’s one piece of advice you’d give incoming students about how to conquer anything that comes their way?
PO: Don’t be afraid of a challenge. A challenge is what’s going to make you grow. So don’t be afraid to go face to face with a challenge.
Thank you Priscilla for granting us the privilege of getting to know what it means to be a true campus celebrity. We are sure that your passion for communication, and organizations will continue to go a long way in this world. Before we parted ways, Priscilla left us with these golden words to live by, “Go for what you want to go get, and be wise about how you go about getting it.”
As you can see, Miss. Ofori is not one to sit around and allow life to pass her by. We are inspired by fellow collegiettes as herself because we are reminded what it means to be a go-getter in our college years. Thanks again for taking time out of your busy schedule to sit down with us as this week’s Campus Celebrity.