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A Day in the Life of a PR Intern

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

This semester, I’ve been fortunate enough to land the internship of my dreams. Quietly wiping a tear from my left eye as I type that. The people are wonderful to work with and brilliant within the field, the work I do is relevant to what I want to do and learn, and working in the city is what 7-year-old Sabrina has always dreamed of. No day is exactly like the other, so I decided to take you along for the ride during a casual Wednesday.

Here’s a day in the life of an intern.

6:00AM – Wake up and question my life’s choices while hitting snooze.

6:02AM – Wake up again and realize ya girl needs a shower and some deep conditioner.

6:56AM – Begin playing my feel-good Spotify playlist with hits from the 70s, The Lumineers, and other songs that make me feel like yeah, I can do this, I can succeed.

7:30AM – Literally run out of the house because, as per usual, I am running late and need to make the 8:03 train.

8:00AM – Run onto the train (out of breath and nostrils flaring) and purchase roundtrip tickets to Penn Station. Then, plop down in my seat, put headphones in, and longingly gaze out the window.

9:12AM – Make it to Penn Station and weave my way through the hoards of people trying to go up a single escalator.

9:13AM – Get hit in the face with a backpack by accident. Steps on an elderly man’s shoe. CAN WE JUST MAKE IT UP THIS ESCALATOR IN PEACE?

9:27AM – Just a few blocks away from work. I can do this. I may be excessively out of breath and in need of a solid cup of coffee but I, Sabrina Araullo, can do this.

9:34AM – I MADE IT.

9:45AM – Email everyone in the office asking if someone requires assistance on a project. Let the waiting begin.

10:00AM – Receive an email to head downtown to take pictures for a client. Cue my excitement and a much-needed bathroom break.

10:34AM – Ok, I mapped out the most effective route to get everywhere and looked up all possible modes of transportation. I am ready AF. I am good. Where is my emergency pack of almonds?

11:05AM – Just transferred to the 5 train and for all that is good in this world please don’t let me get lost. I am commuting with a purpose.

11:06AM – Oh my god am I in Brooklyn?

11:07AM – Nah, my stop is next. We’re good. Is that a shih tzu?

11:09AM – Made it to the Oculus. God, I love this building. The architecture is incredible, the lighting is always on point, and you can literally feel the Instagram potential in here.

1:00PM – Oh thank god it’s lunchtime. After getting lost (twice) while finding the Ritz Carlton, I’m starving. The first place I found around the corner was Shake Shack and I am not complaining. One shake burger and fries later, I’m ready to go.

1:24PM – Currently in a Lyft on my way back to the office. I’ve developed two blisters from this assignment, not that I’m complaining, so I figured a ride back to work wouldn’t hurt.

2:47PM – Arrived back in the office and sprawled on my chair. Time to upload these pictures and bask in the glory of my O-K photography skills. I’m getting better, I swear.

3:57PM – In the middle of my next project and a cup of coffee. Bless my golden mug that says “building my empire” with the New York City skyline in the background. If that doesn’t scream inspiration I don’t know what does.

5:04PM – Steps out of the intern office to ask someone a question and immediately makes awkward eye contact with a higher up. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Why did I just freeze? Wait, we’re still staring at eachother. SABRINA MOVE. I turn back around and duck into the office.

6:02PM – The day is done and I’m casually washing my inspo mug. Blisters still in tact? Check.

6:04PM – Said bye to everyone in the office and beginning my adventure back to Penn Station. Adorable beanie and gloves on and my feel-good playlist is blasting through my headphones.

6:26PM – An elderly man has fallen on top of me.

6:33PM – The train back to Montclair State has arrived and ya girl is ready to go home. I still haven’t figured out how to properly maneuver myself through a hoard of people getting onto the- oh my god I just elbowed a girl in the face.

6:41PM – The train’s leaving the station and I’m comfortably nestled against the window and wrapped in my scarf. Also, a very attractive man is sitting next to me. Thank you, NJ Transit.

6:43PM – He’s reading a book. It’s a hardcover. My heart is pounding.

7:00PM – He’s still next to me, reading. Should I make casual conversation? The heart palpitations continue.

7:20PM – Asked him what book he’s reading and (not surprisingly) charmed him with my dashing personality. He likes my puns.

7:21PM – I’m kidding.

7:34PM – Arrived back at the oh, so beautiful Montclair State University campus. Wobbling my way back to my car. Blister one? Check. Blister two? Double check.

8:03PM – I am home (finally) and greeted by my dog. This little cup of sunshine is the best part of my day. You shed a tear while reading that, didn’t you?

10:00PM – Post-shower and dinner of leftovers. I’ve got my left hand around a mug of tea and my right aggressively typing all of this out on my laptop. Things I learned today: I need better walking shoes, Brookfield Place during lunchtime is filled with the most attractive and put-together group of people I’ve ever seen (I literally counted 6 pencil skirts), and taking HCM along for the ride makes the day that much better.

Public relations major, writer for Her Campus, and social stylist for the Gap. Also an avid lover of corny humor and a good cup of coffee. 
Sarah Vazquez is a senior at Montclair State University, majoring in English and minoring in Journalism. She is the current Editor-in-Chief and a Co-Campus Correspondent at Her Campus Montclair. She is an avid concert-goer, podcast junkie, X-Files fanatic and someone who always has her nose buried deep inside a book.