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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Everyone has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic whether it be financially, emotionally, physically, or mentally. I’ve had opportunities taken from me and put a lot of my goals on hold due to uncertainty. Over the past few months, I’ve made a list of things I want to accomplish which have motivated me to not let the pandemic hinder my growth. Look into my letter to my future self and hopefully feel inspired to set goals for your future self too.


Dear Future Me,


Now I know this is easier said than done but there is no time limit on when you should have your whole life together. Don’t let the fancy cars and new homes on social media force you to believe you aren’t doing an amazing job in life. Just because one college graduate may be a little further than you in life doesn’t mean you aren’t able to achieve great things at your own pace. Not everyone’s path is your own, your abilities aren’t to be compared.

One can plan their entire future but not everything is set in stone, life can change in an instant and you’ll be forced to adjust. Remember that despite the obstacles, you are capable of managing it all and making the most out of a situation. Be mindful of the things you can control and use them to your advantage. Whether that be creating content for your personal blog that can one day be a famous online publication or filming for your YouTube channel that can eventually be a well-known lifestyle channel motivating young adults all over the world. Your abilities are endless, don’t allow setbacks to let you think otherwise.

Know that you are allowed your space without explanation. There will be times where you can’t be emotionally available to everyone you care about when your mental health is struggling. You don’t owe everyone an explanation as to why you are working on yourself. Those who truly care about you and your well-being will understand. As much as you want to be that shoulder for someone else, understand that you’ll need a shoulder to lean on every once in a while.

The year may have taken a toll on your progression but it doesn’t mean you won’t reach those milestones. Keep reminding yourself what you are capable of and roll with the punches. Keep those close to you that care about your well-being and prioritize your mental health. The future will look as bright as you want it to be.



Lynese S.

Lynese Salmon is a Senior majoring in Communications and Media Arts. Hoping to pursue a career in social media strategics and/or to land an editorial/writing position for an online publication. Her list of hobbies are endless since she takes interest in so many things. Lynese adores the arts, whether it's visual, performing, digital, etc. She is an outgoing individual with a willingness to learn. Lynese believes the possibilities are endless for everyone so why should you limit yourself. Loves to meet new people and learn more about different identities. Lynese is an open book so she's pretty approachable. All in all, Lynese is a creative personality that likes to think outside the box.
Lauren Clemente recent graduate from Montclair State University who studied Communication and Media Arts. She held the role of President and Co-Campus Correspondent, as well as Editor-in-Chief at Her Campus Montclair. She loves all things to do with content creation, fashion + beauty and traveling the world.