Name: Jantzen Rogalski
Year: Sophomore
Major: Television and digital media with a concentration in sports media journalism
Hometown: Wayne, NJ
HCM: What drew you to declare TV and digital media as your major?
JR: I chose to declare that as my major because in high school i was introduced to video production. I found it really interesting and I found I had a real knack for it, so when I started looking at colleges, I looked for schools that had TV stations. When I looked at Montclair I saw they had a television and digital media major and, being really into sports, when I saw they had a sports media concentration I was really drawn to that so i figured it’d be a great opportunity for me as a major.
HCM: Is the program everything you expected it to be?
JR: So far it is! I really enjoy the interactions I get with the different people within the program. Because it is such a selective program, the people in it really want to be there and want to do a good job, so I feel that really enhances my experience here. So far it’s everything I hoped it would be,and through some of the major classes I’ve taken I’ve met some really close friends that I’ve grown really close to over the past year and a half.
HCM: What would you say is your favorite part of it?
JR: I love so many things about the program – there’s the connections with the professors, the friendships, the opportunities that come with knowing them, and also being so close to the city. I think my favorite part though would be all the knowledge I can learn from everybody involved in the program whether they’re a professor or a student because everybody has such interesting things to offer.
HCM: What activities are you involved with on campus?
JR: I’m involved with the video production club here at MSU where we’re producing a mini series right now called The Reel Crew. We put out season one last year on our Youtube channel and then this semester we’re finishing up season two. We’re gonna start putting up episodes for season two in April so keep an eye out for that! I’m also part of the executive board of the Newman Catholic Center. My position’s co-chair for community service so what I do with my other co-chair, Victoria Queyquep, is organize and plan community service events for Newman and also for the community of Montclair.
HCM: I heard you’re also interning with the Jets off campus. What’s that like?
JR: Well, it’s an unofficial internship. So far what I’ve done is I’ve helped out on game days with the coaches video program. They are in charge of all the video operations within the Jets organization so everything they do is within the organization. We have cameras set up that send images to the sidelines that the coaches then use to analyze the plays and show the players. That way, when they go out into the next series they have an idea of what the other team is doing and how they can counter it. Besides game days, I’ve also gone to summer practices where I assisted with recording practices where I did a little editing too.
HCM: How do you feel this opportunity has benefit your career?
JR: It’s given me a foot in the door to sports video to the point where I have contacts that know me and that I’ve worked with. It’s also given me experience in the real world by seeing just how hectic it is in the world of professional sports video.
HCM: Where do you see yourself after graduation?
JR: Ideally, in my head, I’d love to get my degree in May of 2018 and start working with the Jets the next day doing what I do now, just getting paid. If I can do that I would be set, but that’s a big dream, a big goal. Other than that, if I can go into anything related to sports, whether it’s being a camera operator for ESPN or a studio camera operator that’d be great.
Favorite Movies:
Mr. Deeds, Forrest Gump, and Toy Story
Favorite Book:
Bud not Buddy
Favorite Food:
A good burger and my mom’s spaghetti
Favorite Celebrity Crushes:
I don’t know, I’m practical. I don’t think of celebrity crushes.
What Inspires You:
I have different inspirations behind different things. For me, my faith and staying strong to my morals is important and with that, I draw inspiration from my friend Nick. I only knew the guy for about a year and I feel like I knew him my whole life. He was such a great friend to me and friend to everyone. He himself was so strong in his morals and I saw him personally grow in his faith. Wow, I guess a lot more of my inspiration comes from Nick than I thought. Yeah, he’s just someone I’m very proud of. I’m very proud to call him my best friend and I’m proud he can call me a friend because I find that to be a great honor.