I have always been a nature enthusiast. From camping with my family to hiking as a little girl at summer camp, I could never seem to get enough. Over the years I have taken on trail after trail, and one thing I have learned is that it is super important to be completely prepared before starting ANY hike. Here are 5 essentials to pack in your bag before you go!Â
I’m sure this seems like a no-brainer, but it is extremely important to be hydrated while doing any sort of exercise. Hiking can be very demanding and depending on how long the trail is, you may be without water for miles, as there isn’t likely to be a fountain or convenience store in the middle of the mountains or forest. Do yourself and your body a favor and pack a bottle or two in your bag before you leave! You definitely won’t regret it.Â
A Snack
In the same way, it is important to stay hydrated, it is equally important to keep your energy up while taking on a longer trail. If you plan on being on a trail for more than 30 minutes, I would say it is a good idea to pack a few snacks in your bag. Protein bars are great as they are small and lightweight and will not weigh your bag down. You could also pack a sandwich bag of mixed nuts or trail mix, as nuts are a great source of protein and energy! Fruits and veggies are a bit heavier but if you want to pack some of those instead, go for it!Â
Nature can be beautiful, but it can also be unforgiving. Scrapes, blisters, and bug bites are just some of the things that can accompany a hike, so again it is better to be prepared for anything that may come your way. Pack a few Band-Aids and some alcohol wipes to disinfect the area before putting the bandage on. Hopefully, you may not need any of this, but it is better to be safe than sorry!Â
Bug Spray
Depending on what kind of hike you are doing you may not need this, but I would say that in most cases this is a necessity if there ever was one. If you are hiking for a long time you are bound to get sweaty, and the bugs will follow you all the way to the summit. Hiking is a lot less fun when you have to watch your step, climb, and swat mosquitos and flies. Spray some before you leave and pack a small bottle in your bag to apply as needed on the trail. Trust me.Â
A Camera
Last, but not least, pack your camera! The views while hiking can be breathtaking, and you definitely don’t want to be in a situation where you wish you could capture that view from the top but can’t. I would recommend bringing an actual camera as opposed to a cell phone camera because while it may be convenient, you don’t want social media or texts to distract you from the moment you are in and the beauty you have all around you in that present moment. Your phone will be there when you’re done. Take it all in while you can, and ENJOY.
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