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How to Have a Fun New Year’s Eve If You’re Under 21

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Champagne, sparkly cocktail dresses, dancing the night away at the hottest clubs… this is how the movies and commercials always depict New Year’s Eve for young adults. Unfortunately, you can’t usually get into these clubs and bars unless you are at 21 and over. However, there are still plenty of alternatives if you’re under 21; here are some fun NYE plans for all the youngins out there!

House Parties

This is so unoriginal, but what better time to throw a house party than NYE? Whether it’s wild or low-key, now’s the time! If you get invited to one, then go for it!


While it’s not going to be as exciting as a party, a lot of restaurants do have something for NYE. Last NYE, my best friend and I went to a restaurant which had a great DJ, decorations and party favors. Everyone was dressed up and it was fun! Call restaurants near you or look at their websites to see what’s going to be happening!

New York City

While I would never be brave enough to face the NYC cold and wind to see the ball drop in person, this is another option. So for all you adventurous souls out there looking for a unforgettable story, bundle up and go see the ball drop! After all, it’s free!

18+ Clubs or Hookah Lounges

Although they aren’t easy to find, some clubs do have an admission age of 18 rather than 21 and just use a wristband system for alcohol. Hookah lounges usually work this way too. Just make sure you do your research ahead of time so you can actually find somewhere!

Night In

Whether it’s with family, friends, your S/O or even just yourself, it can’t hurt to start the new year on a relaxing note and just have a chill night in your pjs. You can listen to music, watch movies or the ball drop, cozy up with a book, or maybe even go to bed early to start catching up on all sleep you missed this semester!

Get a Head Start on Your Resolutions

Why wait until the new year actually starts when you can make progress one night in advance? Go to the gym, clean your room, make new friends, or start anything else you hope to accomplish!

All in all, just have fun with whatever you decide to do! Stressing over your plans is not a good way to start the new year, so just keep an open mind and see where the night takes you. With that said, Happy New Year!

Zoe Nolz

Montclair '21

Zoe is a student at Montclair State University. She is the current Fashion and Beauty Editor for Her Campus Montclair. When she is not in class or doing work, you can catch her hanging with friends, shopping, writing, watching movies, drinking smoothies, just chilling or off on an adventure!
Emma Flusk

Montclair '19

Emma Flusk is recent graduate from Montclair State University, where she majored in Television and Digital Media. She was the Editor-in-Chief and a Campus Correspondent at Her Campus Montclair. She’s passionate about anything that has to do with lifestyle, beauty and wellness for women. She is a self-proclaimed craft queen, semi-pro binge-watcher and a lover of all dogs.