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How to Stay on Top of Your Schoolwork this Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

As the semester begins and you’re adjusting to a new routine with different classes, it is easy for the work to pile up and fall behind. Although it’s overwhelming at first, the best way to stay on top of your schoolwork and ensure you get it all done is to stay organized. Here are some things you can do to keep yourself organized this semester. 

Invest in a Planner

Planners are one of the most beneficial things I can recommend to someone to purchase. They are an easy way to keep track of your weeks, organize your ongoing assignments, and help improve your time management skills.

Use Apps To Stay Organized

We are all already on our phones all the time, so what better way to keep track of your school work than organizing it into an app?

I recommend adding all your due dates for your work onto your calendar to make sure you have easy access to seeing what work you have to get done next. There are other apps like Notion and Google Calendar that I also recommend, but if you want to keep it simple, you can use the calendar app.

Stick to a Schedule 

This one might seem obvious, but creating a schedule can help alleviate so much stress! 

Don’t Procrastinate

This is a classic college student thought process: “This assignment isn’t due for another 3 days…I don’t have to worry about it until later”. Suddenly, you are rushing to get it done at 10 pm the night it’s due! Procrastination will make you fall behind on your work, which will cause your grades to suffer in return, so avoid procrastination at all costs. 

At the end of the day, we are all just trying to pass all of our classes and graduate. Hopefully, these tips can help you stay organized and on top of your work this semester!

Joanna Vonzwehl is a sophomore at Montclair State University, she is double majoring in Psychology and Justice Studies w/ a concentration in Criminal Justice and minoring in Child Advocacy and Policy. Her hobbies include: reading, crocheting, going to concerts, and spending time with friends and family. She is very excited to join Her Campus Montclair and put her work out there as a contributing writer!!