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A Interview with Pretty Girls Sweat at MSU

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.
HCM collegiettes, meet the phenomenal women of Pretty Girls Sweat at Montclair State University! Here with us we have HCM alum Jennifer Okorie, Alexandra McLeod, and Heather Bailey, who are all PGS campus ambassadors. We got the opportunity to interview these lovely ladies and get all of the exclusive details on what Pretty Girls Sweat is all about, so get ready to read all about it!



HCM: What’s the background story on PGS?

Jennifer: We started in 2011 with our founder, Aeshia DeVore Branch, and our main mission is to promote health and fitness to college women. Aeshia created this as a non-profit organization to also help fight childhood obesity. Our campaign to end childhood obesity is called Sweat Makes Cents and every month has a different theme. We also have something called sweat shows to help make workouts fun.

Alex: We already planned our sweat shows for the next few months, and people can stay updated through our IG: @prettygirlssweatmsu


HCM: Amazing! So how did Pretty Girls Sweat get started on campus?

Jennifer: Over the summer, Alex and I were hanging out just talking about fitness. So I brought up the idea that we should bring Pretty Girls Sweat to our campus. So we both applied and we both got positions as campus ambassadors. Then we needed to find another person to make our dream team work and we found Heather. The founder of PGS, Aeshia DeVore Branch, also helped us out a lot.


HCM: What is PGS involvement on campus like?

PGS Ambassadors: We try to have a lot of events sponsored through other organizations. We’re co-sponsoring with The Brotherhood, NASO [The Native African Student Organization], and we have co-sponsored with the Montclair State Dance Company. We are actively working on bringing more of our events to the students. We try to spice it up by getting PGS gear for giveaways and our promotion is primarily a lot of word of mouth. We’re also working on getting a personal trainer, Mark B. (@markwillbos), to come in and help us out with some more campus workouts. We are also having a 3rd party come in for our A POUND WORKOUT  Event by Dionne Scott (@neondionnefitness.) 


HCM: Speaking of campus life, how do you all feel about the health options offered on campus thus far?

Alex: Well, I don’t feel that there are enough options for commuters because most of the healthy food options are in the dining halls but the prices are expensive and no one wants to pay all that money. Everything has a mix of being healthy but still isn’t really healthy because of the fried foods and overall lack of options. 

Heather: I cook a lot of my own meals because of the lack of options.

Alex: I feel that people find it very difficult and we have to buy our own healthy food. 

Heather: I find the Balance Kitchen to be one of the healthiest campus locations because of the variety of options. 

Jennifer: To summarize there are healthy options but it’s hard to find.


HCM: Do you feel that there is anything more that MSU should offer and if so what is it?

Alex: Have a healthy station in the Student Center because everyone goes there just like there is in dining halls. 

Jennifer: Accommodate others who are Vegan, or Vegetarian because some people have to buy extra food and their own meal plan as well.

Alex: Sell MSU bottles with a water refill station.


HCM: What are some ways you can incorporate fitness when you can’t make it to the gym?

Jennifer: Dorm room workouts are the way to go. You don’t need a gym to workout, you just need the motivation to get up! A lot of the things that we do is no equipment needed, and a lot of the girls can then take it home with them and do it.


HCM: Do you all have pieces of advice for our readers?

Jennifer: Focus on the way you feel not the number on the scale. 

Alex: Stay consistent because a lot of people just try to focus on the end result. But you should take a minute to focus on the progress because you’re working to get better, so you should focus on that. 

Heather: My biggest thing is that you can start from anywhere you are. You don’t have to be this very tiny person, you can start where you are. Anyone can enjoy fitness and get fit.

Jennifer: We want girls at MSU to join the sweat sisterhood!



Thank you ladies for that amazing interview! We know how active you all are with Pretty Girls Sweat and other campus activities, so it was our pleasure to have the chance to sit down with you all! 

If you would like to get more involved with PGS, don’t hesitate to follow them on Social Media on Instagram @prettygirlssweatmsu, and join the groupme chat by clicking here. Also, make sure to check out their national page and national Instagram @prettygirlssweat.

Sophonie whom is best known as Sophie, is a Graduating Senior at what she likes to call "the best school on this side of town," Montclair State University. In her words, MSU's slogan is not far from the truth because she belives it is definitely all here! Sophie is a Psychology major and a double minor of Creative Writing & African-American Studies. Her first love is reading and second love is creating writing. This is 4th Semester as a writer for HerCampus and she couldn't be happier to still be a part of such an amazing group of young, talented writers. One of Sophie's many future goals is to become a published author.