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Quick Breakfast Ideas For The Commuter On The Go (Or A Sleepy Senior)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

If you find yourself slipping into senioritis a semester early and keep hitting snooze–say that 5 times fast–try out these recipes to make sure you do not miss out on the most important meal of the day. 


If you’re the type of girl that a big breakfast gives you the “ick”, try a smoothie! Start by picking out your favorite fruits and vegetables and divide them into ziplock bags. You can then freeze these the night before to make individual servings. In the morning, all you have to do is throw your frozen fruits and veggies in the blender and add water, milk,or juice. Freezing everything means you do not have to add ice, which tends to water down your drink. For an Erewhon or Whole Foods vibe on a budget, you can add protein powder, sweetener, or chia seeds for a nutrition boost. 

The greatest part of your budget smoothie is that you can feel like Hailey Bieber without spending $20 at an overhyped grocery store for a plastic cup you’ll probably throw away after you take a selfie with it. We have tuition to pay. These smoothies will taste just as good and you get to keep the cup afterwards!

Freezer-Friendly Egg Bites 

For the rare breed that can have eggs early in the morning without feeling sick, these egg bites are an easy way to get some quick protein. 

For a batch of about 12 egg bites, you will need: 

  • 8 eggs 
  • ¼ cup of milk or non-dairy milk 
  • Whatever seasoning you’d like 
  • Your favorite add-ins 
  • Butter or oil
  • A muffin tin

Start by sauteing your favorite add-ins in butter or oil. This can be whatever you have in your fridge: ham, sausage, onion, bell pepper, potatoes–just please season them. These ingredients need love too!

While your mix-ins cook, crack your eggs in a bowl and add your milk and seasonings. Adding milk will make sure your eggs do not dry up in the oven and stay fluffy. This will work with any milk you have, just make sure it’s not sweetened unless you want dessert egg bites. (And who wants that?)

Then, grease your muffin tin well. This makes sure that they will not stick and you’ll have something to eat in the morning. A responsible and diligent human being would preheat the oven at the beginning of all this but let’s face it–those Canvas notifications on your phone are driving you crazy. Preheat the oven now and don’t beat yourself up about it. Set your oven to 325 and take this time to scroll through TikTok. For your mental health, of course. 

Oh, you can also turn off your stove and mix your ingredients in the egg mixture. Please don’t burn your ham unless you want the burnt taste to remind you of all the summer barbecues you didn’t go to because your friends can’t cook. 

Once your oven is preheated, pour your mix into the tin. Carefully bring it over to the oven, and let your egg bites cook for 25-35 minutes. You can check if they’re done by poking a knife through the center. If it comes out clean, it’s done! If not, you might get salmonella. 

After that, you can wait for your egg bites to cool and place them in a container or zip-lock bag. You can freeze these for up to about a week. To reheat them in the morning, cover them in a paper towel and put them in the microwave for about a minute. 

Overnight Oats 

If you’re the aforementioned friend who can’t cook, this recipe is 100% for you. If you mess this one up, stay out of the kitchen forever. 

All you have to do is grab some oats, place them in a jar, and add milk. Seriously. It’s that easy. 

You can add sugar, fruit, or syrups as well. To make the process even easier for you, buy the flavored packets. They taste good, they’re consistent and most importantly: you won’t be committing any culinary crimes. 

While this doesn’t help the “hitting snooze” issue, you can at least make sure you have some breakfast. A win is a win!

Chelsea Pujols

Montclair '25

Chelsea Pujols (she/her) is a junior Journalism & Digital Media major who greatly suffers from the "too much" gene. Having written at ReDefy, HudPost, The Montclarion, and serving as a Visual Arts Resident at Grain of Salt Magazine, she is looking forward to being a part of the Her Campus Girl Gang!