With the end of the holiday season, it’s time to buckle up and get ready for the Spring semester! We all know how much attention college students have to give their classes, however, there’s a cold epidemic that hit the nation and it seems like everyone and their mothers are sick. Who possibly has the time to deal with a cold and the new semester? The answer is no one. Being sick with the cold causes serious fatigue, sniffles, and just the overall feeling of “I can’t deal with this”. So with that being said, if you’re already sick with a cold, have the early signs of one, or want prevention fast, here are ways to conquer those nasty colds.
Prevention. When it comes to colds, it’s usually spread by contact with someone who already has it; therefore, it’s best to try and stay away from someone who is sick. But if it’s someone you cannot avoid, then always wash your hands after you come into contact with them. It’s the golden rule we had been taught ever since we were little peanuts so why not apply it? It takes thirty to forty seconds to kill those germs with warm-soapy water, just do it. Also, avoid sharing drinks, food, lip balm, kissing- basically, whatever comes into contact with the sickling’s mouth. It’s really easy to prevent getting a cold if you just think before you do.
The early stages of colds. There are a few ways to zap it immediately.
1. Drink a ton of orange juice! The vitamin C helps strengthen your immune system, which then allows the bacteria to be attacked by anti-bodies. If you don’t like orange juice, then take Emergen-C, which is just a vitamin C supplement.
2. Another way to quickly get rid of a cold is a home remedy my mother taught me; take an onion, cut it in half and place it under your bed. By doing so, the onion actually absorbs the bacteria that are causing you to be sick. I know it sounds like an urban legend, but it really does work! Even when you are already infected with a cold, do the onion trick.
Already succumbed to the cold? Here are a few ways to nip it in the bud.
1. First and foremost, it’s super, duper important to drink a lot of fluids! It’s really easy to become dehydrated when you have a cold, therefore, you should constantly drink water to keep your body hydrated. Not only does consuming a lot of fluids help hydrate but, they also help flush out any bacteria in your body.
2. Secondly, take an over-the-counter cold medicine. The one’s that usually work the best are the ones that do NOT include antihistamines. Antihistamines cause drowsiness, which isn’t ideal if you have class or if you’re driving to work. In addition, if you’re congested, antihistamines only make it worse. Try finding medicine that includes your symptoms. Colds come in different cases so in order to treat it right, it’s important that you match your symptoms with the right prescription.
3. You should also get as much rest as possible, keeping your body active doesn’t only allow more bacteria to come in but it also prolongs the cold. If your cold is serious, please contact your doctor so they can prescribe the right antibiotics.
I cannot guarantee my tips will cure you, but if you follow them, it will ease your suffering. Brace yourselves my fellow Redhawks, cold season has officially been declared. Stay happy and healthy!