This past Valentine’s Day I decided to spend the day with my one, true love: my dog.
His name is Rocco Percival Araullo and yes, he has a middle name. Besides the fact that he pees everywhere when we’re in public, he’s the greatest guy you’ll ever meet. Usually, our dates consist of Netflix binges and mediocre romantic comedies, but I decided to treat him to a good Valentine’s Day this year. He deserves it.
After a breakfast of dog food and Beggin’ Strip bacon treats we drove to a nearby town called Ridgewood. His face was out the window, tongue sticking out, and he was already enjoying the day. Upon arriving, we decided to take a walk through the park. It wasn’t until he hopped up the stairs that I realized how out of shape he was. He was breathing heavily and I was like, “Dude, it’s literally been two blocks,” but he shook his head and was determined to make it to the bench. I admired his perseverance.
After casually walking around the park (and a mini photo shoot) we decided to get coffee. He’s more of a tea drinker, but luckily the Ridgewood Coffee Company has both amazing coffee and teas. I went with a latte and he went with a small earl grey tea. Classic.
We sat outside and drank while discussing today’s political climate and the new german shepherd that moved in down the street.
Afterward, we decided to walk around the town once more and then called it a day. As soon as we got home he ran to his water bowl and then took a nap next on the couch as I did the same. It was a day well-spent and in good company.
Also, shout out to the mailman statue Rocco peed on – twice.