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What to Focus on Instead of Dating in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Montclair chapter.

Many people sometimes feel pressured to find “the one” in college and seem to get caught up and forget all the other things to search for! Instead of searching for a lover, here are more important things you should focus on: 

1. Education

Besides having fun and meeting new people, you have to remember you are attending college for one thing – your own education. Sometimes when we get into relationships, our minds are consumed with the thought of that specific person we’re seeing and we lose focus on other things. However, school comes first – that is the number one rule! Your education and grades should be your main priorities in college. In the end, you’re the one who has to turn in assignments and tests, not the boy you’re dating or trying to search for. 

2. Friends 

College is all about making new friends and meeting new people, not just new boys! This is the era of your life where you’re most likely going to meet your lifelong friends. The friendships you make in college are truly valuable. Forget about dating and boys for awhile. You have the rest of your life to worry about relationships! As of right now, just have fun with your friends and make extraordinary memories that you’ll be able to tell your kids one day. 

3. Getting Involved 

If you’re too busy focusing on searching for a boy, you’re going to miss out on fun events and activities that are offered in college! Colleges offer so many opportunities to get involved on campus. Who knows, maybe you’ll actually find your soul mate while at one of these activities – but for now just focus on getting involved, keeping busy, and having fun! 

4. Yourself 

This is the most import factor you should focus on! Even though college is about an education, making new friends and getting involved is the time where you truly find yourself. For most people, this is the chapter where you gain independence and begin to figure yourself out. You’ll find out things you never even knew about yourself and that’s all a part of the college process! Ideally, it’s better to focus on college independently because this allows to ‘do you’ and figure out your interests and who you are as a person. 

You have your whole life to find “the one.” Don’t get me wrong, there’s even a chance you’ll  find him in college. But take advantage of this time to focus on your strong, independent, fierce self and worry about boys later. This is your time to shine! 


Photo Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Hope is a junior at Montclair State University, majoring in English. She is the current Lifestyle editor at Her Campus Montclair. Besides having a love for writing, you can often find her listening and discovering new music, admiring sunsets, and fangirling over dogs. 
Danielle has held various positions at Her Campus Montclair. Starting as a Contributing Writer during her sophomore year at MSU in 2015, she later became President & Editor-in-Chief during her senior year in 2017. She completed her B.A. in Communication & Media Arts with a minor in Leadership Development at Montclair State University in January 2018. Besides writing, she's a lover of cozy cafés, good lyrics, inspiring speeches, mountainous retreats, and sunsets on the skyline. She enjoys capturing the moment and has a passion for travel and discovery. You can often find her exploring NYC or venturing to one of her favorite East Coast spots.