Her Campus Moore is looking for a few fresh faces to feature in the campus cutie section! Are you a Moore cutie? Is your friend a Moore cutie? Do you know a cute local guy that loves attention? Then we need YOU! Her Campus Moore accepts applications from ladies attending Moore and men that are in school or live in the nearby area. So if you know a cute girl on campus, and you want to know a little more about her, let us know! Shoot us an email and we will be sue to try and contact her! If you see an adorable guy on the street that you know the moore ladies would love, get his name, get his email, and let us know! We will do all of the contacting and interviewing, maybe even a photoshoot or two, all you have to do is give us a name! We at HC Moore are searching the school and streets trying to find all of the people that we know you would love to meet, but we need your help to find a few more! So if you are that amazing girl with all of the cute friends, share the cuteness! Nominate a cutie! We know you are always on the look out for some eye candy, now you can share that eye candy!
If you know someone that sould be featured here, think you should be on here, know somewhere for us to go cutie hunting, or want to help the cutie search please fill out this form
or email Cassandra at cassandralove@hercampus.com