We have all been to the point where we know we should be studying, but instead are finding anyway possible to get out of it. If you ever notice yourself doing these things instead of studying, it may be time to get focused and dive back into your studies.
1. Your entire room is spotless. You have even managed to organize all of your shirts by color and clean out every single one of your desk drawers.
2. You have managed to stalk everyone you know on Facebook. Your cousins, your best friends from high school, and you boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend’s grandma.
3. You decided it’s a great time to paint all of your nails and toe nails a different color.
4. You have managed to watch all 40 episodes on Netflix of the show you kept missing.
5. You tell yourself, “I will study as soon as I wake up from a nap.”
6. You have created a 5-course meal… for yourself.
7. You spent hours making yourself look nice by curling your hair, putting on your favorite outfit, and doing your make makeup, yet you have nowhere to go.
8. You have planned out your entire wedding on Pinterest.
9. You have alphabetized your CDs and movies.
10. All-nighters have become a weekly routine.