Name: Christopher M. Loo
Year: Sophomore
Major: Marine Biology
Hometown: Commerce, MI
Relationship Status:Â Single
Favorite part of MSU: School, duh. But forrealz? Being Greek.
Are you involved with anything on campus? Delt Sigs
What you find most attractive in a girl: Lovely smile, great attitude. Glass half full kinda girl.
Dream date: Night scene in the Big Apple, or on the beach anywhere. There would be dinner of course.
What’s your secret weapon when flirting with a girl: There is no secret. Just being myself and keeping the conversation going, making some jokes. Just knowing how to have fun.
TV Guilty Pleasure: Alex Morgan
Most embarrassing moment: Well, let’s first say that I was not myself. I told a bunch of people, guys and girls, that I could rap. They called my bluff and well, let’s just say I attempted it.
Something that you can?t live without: I know it’s clichĂ©, but definitely my friends and family.
One person to be stranded on an island with: Bear Grylls, he’d find a way to save my ass.
Something on your bucket list: Wing suit flying
Celebrity crush: Alex Morgan
Campus crush: That good-looking girl with dark, maybe light-colored hair. She has a great smile, face, body, and personality. You name it, she’s got it.  Honestly, there are so many beautiful ladies at MSU that it’s hard to narrow down just one.