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How I Stay Active With a Busy Academic Schedule

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

As a student navigating the demanding world of college studies, I understand firsthand the challenges of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle amidst a busy schedule. With lectures, assignments, and exams constantly vying for my attention, finding time for physical activity can often feel like an insurmountable task. However, through trial and error, I’ve discovered strategies that have allowed me to prioritize my well-being while also making sure that my academics are not suffering in the process.

One of the most crucial lessons I’ve learned is the importance of time management. By meticulously planning my schedule and setting aside dedicated slots for both studying and exercise, I’ve been able to strike a balance between my academic responsibilities and physical health. Since many of my classes are early morning sessions, I’ve grown accustomed to waking up early. Completing my workout in the morning essentially takes care of a significant task right at the start of my day.

I’ve also learned to embrace flexibility in my schedule. There are days when unexpected deadlines or last-minute assignments disrupt my plans, and that’s okay. Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, I’ve learned to adapt and find alternative ways to incorporate movement into my day. I make sure to stretch every hour if I’m sitting down and doing work, and try to walk between classes instead of taking the bus. 

Additionally, I’ve discovered the importance of finding activities that I genuinely enjoy. Whether it’s running, going on a walk with friends, or going to the gym, incorporating activities that bring me joy has made staying active feel less like a chore and more like a rewarding pursuit. I also like to use that opportunity to listen to my podcasts and playlists that my friends send to me. By tapping into my passions and interests, I’ve found motivation and excitement to prioritize my physical well-being amidst my academic commitments.

There’s a strong, symbiotic relationship between physical activity and academic performance. Regular exercise not only boosts my mood and energy levels but also enhances my cognitive function and concentration. By prioritizing my health, I’ve found that I’m better equipped to tackle academic challenges with clarity and focus. I feel less drowsy, and the exhaustion only hits me at night, instead of random times during my day.

Staying active with a busy academic schedule is undoubtedly challenging, but it’s not impossible. By prioritizing time management, embracing flexibility, finding joy in movement, and recognizing the benefits of physical activity on academic performance, I’ve been able to cultivate a balanced lifestyle that helps both my mind and body. Some days are better than others, so I try not to feel guilty if I haven’t done my exercise for the day. The most important thing to remember is that rest and recovery are important, and it’s okay if I’m not going to the gym that week. Taking steps to ensure that I am well-rested and ready for the next day gives me the motivation to do better academically, and also enjoy recreational activities without feeling guilty about them. 

Sanskriti is an undergraduate astrophysics major who loves to read and is very passionate about making and eating dumplings. She is the current Vice President of the Astronomy Club at Michigan State University, and can often be found hunting for new horror podcasts to listen to.