Usually by this point of the semester we’re already exhausted, and so trying to come back to our routine after Thanksgiving is an actual struggle. Sadly, we still have a few weeks left after Thanksgiving that can end up feeling like a month. Sometimes these last few weeks are the most important ones, which means we should put our best foot forward. By this time we’re already feeling the burnout, but don’t worry because that can be avoided!
In case you didn’t know, burnout can cause insomnia, lack of motivation, being irritable, increase in pain in your body, and many more things, but luckily there’s a few things we can do to avoid burnout. It’s recommended that you set time for activities that you actually enjoy such as going out with friends or picking up an old hobby – anything that is a change in your normal routine. This will give you some sort of kick through the week and something to look forward to. You can also get a workout in even if it’s just a quick walk outside or an actual workout routine. It’s a great way to get your mind off things and a healthy way to relieve some of the stress and tension you may have built up. Another important thing you can do is set reasonable goals for yourself. You don’t need to do every single assignment the same day, space it out throughout the days so you won’t feel overwhelmed. One of the most difficult ones is avoiding procrastination and getting better at time management. This is critical if you want to succeed and not get even more stressed about your assignments – try planning out your days, maybe even by the hour.
All these suggestions are great and could be helpful, but if you do see yourself being too burned out or feel strange, acknowledge that you’re burned out and seek help if necessary. The worst thing you can do is ignore it and let it develop into something worse than it already is. MSU’s psychological clinic offers a wide range of different therapy options and assessment services. There’s many more options you can do and many other suggestions you can find there.