Kattiah Richardson MSU Class of 2024
Majors: English; Women’s and Gender Studies
Minors: Jewish Studies; LGBTQ+ Studies
Hometown: Scranton, PA → Grand Rapids, MI (moved as of October 2020)
Zodiac sign: Aries ☀ Capricorn ☾ Leo ↑
Position within HCMSU: Editor, Staff Writer, Campus Trendsetter, Intern
Instagram: @kattiah_claire
Member of Her Campus since Fall of 2021.
Outside of Her Campus, Kattiah Richardson is extremely busy, she is the Secretary for Planned Parenthood Generation Action (PPGA), the Donation Coordinator and on the Education Committee for Pad the Mitten, the Vice President for We are Queens MSU, a part of the Women’s History Month Committee (WHMC) and an Resident Assistant (RA) for Rather Hall in Brody Neighborhood.
When asked about why she chose to join Her Campus, Richardson shared, “I truly just happened to find the HCMSU Instagram. I saw a few of the posts and thought to myself ‘wow, okay, these graphics are so cute, what is this org?’ I stalked the entire instagram, then the national instagram, read about 5,000 articles in one sitting, signed up in the next instant, and the rest is history! Now, I’m way too involved and spend way too much of my time in this organization, but it’s definitely worth it!”
During what little free time she has outside of school work and classes, student orgs, and being an RA, Richardson loves spending time with her friends and reading for fun. “You’d think that being an English major I’d be sick of it, but I really love expanding my brain and just reading. I love reading to escape, but I also love reading to learn about social situations and history.”
She also enjoys visiting local restaurants such as ‘For Crepe Sake’ and exploring monumental spots in the MSU community like ‘The Rock’, the Spartan Statue, Botanical Gardens and the East Lansing Public Library.
When asked for advice, Richardson shared, “Don’t wait to do work until the deadline. Trust me when I say: the quicker you get it done, the more time you’ll be able to do your own stuff like going out or hanging with friends or relaxing at home with some friends. The best advice my great grandfather Clare gave me was to put in work everyday for about 8 hours like it’s a normal job. You don’t have to do it everyday from 9-5pm. If you put in the 8 hours, by Friday, you might need to start searching for things to do. That way, you’re free to do whatever you want all weekend with a lot less stress.”
Kattiah is unsure of what she intends to do with her degree but is interested in possibly getting a PHD and becoming a professor. After suffering a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in June of 2021, her whole world was changed and her capabilities have limited, but she continues to strive to be the best version of herself and to help others do the same.
The ways to her heart consist of quality time as top one with physical touch and acts of service as her second and third ones.
To wrap up Kattiah shared the quote “‘Though she be but little she is fierce’ which is from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This is a quote I’ve had displayed in my room since before I knew what it meant, but it’s been the one I’ve lived by since I did. I’m small, but, boy, am I feisty. I have had a shit luck of the draw, but I’ve overcome everything, and I’m a bada** b**** now!”
Regarding HCMSU, Richardson added, “I love literally everything about this organization. Specifically, I love the people, the overall vibe, the fact I get to write and edit all the time, and that I get to use my control issues for something productive and useful. That last one is a bit of a joke, but I really do get to put my perfectionism into use to create and edit articles that are amazing.”
You can check out Kattiah’s articles for Her Campus here.