Name: Macy McCafferty
Year: Senior
Major: Accounting
Hometown: Troy, Michigan
Why did you choose to go into accounting?
I took an accounting class senior year of high school and I felt that everything came pretty naturally to me, it all made sense, and I actually enjoyed doing the assignments. So that’s why I chose accounting!
What has been your best college experience?
My sophomore year, I did a semester abroad in London and it was the best decision I have ever made! I’ve always dreamed about going to London and this experience made it possible. Plus, I got to visit eight other countries while I was abroad, which was incredible!
What advice would you give to students considering MSU?
Do it! Come to MSU! The campus is big and gorgeous, there are so many different opportunities, you meet so many different people, some who become lifelong friends! There are multiple Starbucks on campus too, so if that’s not incentive enough, I don’t know what is! Just kidding, I really do bleed green and I think anyone who comes here will quickly realize that it’s the best school around.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Greece is the next place I’d love to visit! I love how it has the ocean/beach vibe but is also very historic and has so many different sites to see and islands to hop to!
If you could meet any person, living or dead, who would it be?
Niall Horan. He’s bae.
Who would you say is your biggest female inspiration?
Ellen DeGeneres! One, she’s hilarious and I feel like she’d just be so fun to be around. She also seems so kind and she gives back a lot which I think is awesome. I mean, c’mon, who doesn’t love Ellen?