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Member Spotlight: Lindsay Swinson ’19

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.


Name: Lindsay Swinson

Year: Sophomore

Major: Political Science

Hometown: Midland, Michigan


What do you love most about your major? I’ve always been passionate about politics, so I enjoy being around people who are as well. It can get heated because everyone has different opinions, but I love an educated debate.

If you had to change majors, what would you change to? I’m so indecisive when it comes to what I want to do with my life. I guess I’d think about business and public relations maybe. I really have no idea.

What’s your favorite thing to do on campus? I love our sport’s teams. I had football and basketball season tickets, and they were totally worth it. It’s a lot of fun reppin’ your school and being with the whole Spartan community.

What’s your favorite thing about Her Campus at MSU? I’ve always loved writing, but I was nervous to join Her Campus because I’m not a journalism major. But once I met all of the incredible women involved in HC, I knew I was going to love it.

What’s your favorite article you’ve written for HC MSU? My favorite article I’ve written is probably “An Open Letter to my High School Squad.” Writing about what you love makes it very rewarding.

If you could travel back in time, where would you go? I think I’d like to see the 70’s. It just seems like a very weird and interesting time in history.

What’s your dream job? I wish I knew. I have a lot of passion for my major, so I definitely want to be in the realm of politics. I guess you could say my dream job is to be the next Olivia Pope.

What are your three favorite foods? Do slurpees count as a food? Slurpees are my one true love. Other than that, I love all things carbs: bread, pasta, potatoes, the list goes on.

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