Cooking in college can be really hard. Actually, cooking in general can be really hard, but especially for college students who are tight on money, time, and energy.
My roommates and I have created a cookbook (more metaphorical than physical) of recipes that are easy to make, not too hard on the budget, and don’t take too much of your time. If you live in a house or an apartment, these recipes are for you. Here are our go-to’s:
1. Meatball subs
All you need to get is frozen meatballs, marinara sauce, sub buns and a cheese of your choice. Cook up the meatballs, put together your sub, place it in the oven to melt the cheese, and voila! You’ve got a quick, easy and delicious meal.
2. Barbecue pulled pork
If there’s anything I would recommend investing in, it’s a crockpot. There are so many quick and easy crockpot meals that require very few ingredients. One of them is barbecue pulled pork. All you need is a pork roast, barbecue sauce (of your choice) buns and cheese if you’d like. Stick the meat and the sauce in the crockpot and let it do all the work for you.
3. Fajitas
Cut up some chicken and add it to a sheet pan with bell peppers and onions, rub fajita seasoning on everything and bake until chicken is cooked through. Then all you need is tortillas and whatever toppings you like.
4. Spaghetti squash anything
If you’re looking for a healthier option, we have recently discovered the magic of spaghetti squash. It takes about 40 minutes to bake in the oven (with a little olive oil, salt and pepper) but then you’re free to do whatever you want with it! Add some pasta sauce, or more olive oil. Add chicken or meatballs, whatever you like. It’s simple, easy, and relatively healthy. Just make sure you’ve got a large knife to cut those bad boys in half (let me tell you…it takes a little arm work.)
5. Last, but never least…pizza
When it doubt…just order a pizza.